Stability in the Pelvis<br>Kathryn Ross-Nash<br>Class 4394

Stability in the Pelvis
Kathryn Ross-Nash
Class 4394

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Kate- My Pilates Room
I just absolutely love this series on PA. You really get the sense of what goes on in a pilates session and studio. It’s raw, real and a fab insight into a master at work in an unedited environment. Well done Kathy Ross Nash and Pilates anytime.
Thank you sooooooooooo very much Kate!!!!!!!!!
Amanda  G
Amazing to watch!  As a new instructor, it is inspiring to see how far I might go with confidence and experience.  Thank you!
yes by far my favourite series, Pilates Anytime please can we have Kathy work with perhaps a non classical pilates instructor in a similar series, that would be so amazing

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