Post Surgery Phase 4<br>Brent Anderson<br>Tutorial 4472

Post Surgery Phase 4
Brent Anderson
Tutorial 4472

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Thank you Brent for taking us carefully through all the movements and precautions available after hip replacements. It makes me feel more confident that I have been doing the right things with my clients. 
Next you have similar ones for knee replacements? 😌
Thank you so much for this step by step thorough presentation of recovery after  hip replacement surgery.My client is having surgery tomorrow but it will be done posteriorly.Do you have in mind protocoles/guidelines regarding this type of surgery?Her surgeon (who thankfully is very available and positive about my communication with him)told me that no posterior muscles will be severed.Still the scar and surrouding scar tissue will be there.I would really appreciate your thoughts on this issue.
Thanking you in advance
Me again...
I have an irrelevant with the hip replacement surgery issue.
I have never worked with the oov.Seeing from your video that it has to do with proprioception,di you think it would be helpful for people with neurological disorders such as MSS?
Thank you again
Hi Maggie, thank you for watching the training.  Regarding posterior approaches these days have similar outcomes as anterior, usually after 3-6 months.  it is best to go with the surgery that your surgeon is most experienced in.  Key point is making sure that they are not leaving any of the rotator muscles cut and unattached and I haven't seen anyone do that for more than 10 years.

Hi Maggie, regarding the Oov for MS and other neurological impairments/diseases.  I love the oov as a spontaneous proprioceptive challenge to organize the body.  its instability is in multiple planes and yet it supports the body in a way that you can facilitate a spontaneous organization.  I would need to spend more time with clients suffering from neurological disorders to give a true summary of how Oov would benefit these clients.  
Hi Brent
Thank you for spending time to answer questions! Regarding the hip surgery,it was performed 3 days ago, the surgeon is satisfied and no muscles were severed,thank God!
Wouldn't the posterior approach affect the recovery protocol though?
I think most of the things you stressed apply,like the closed kinetic chainand the non-participation of hip flexors.
What do you think?
Erin R
Thank you Brent!  As a PTA, appreciate this (mat work) for home health patients as well!

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