Erin's Assessment<br>Madeline Black<br>Tutorial 4704

Erin's Assessment
Madeline Black
Tutorial 4704

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1 person likes this.
Very timely assessment for what I am doing with my clients. I will certainly be looking and assessing them differently. Thanks Barb
1 person likes this.
Very informative. Madeline’s book, Centered is very good!
Love this work for my si joint; thank you Madeline
Yay! This was very helpful for my own patterns and slightly impinged right hip! Felt some restrictions in my right obliques and psoas that I hadn’t sensed before. I LOVE the eccentric leg lowering exercise and will be using that forever now ❤️
Janie J
very good cues and easy to understand.  Thank you
Eunjee S
Madeline, thanks for the wonderful lecture it's really helpful! :) I have one question. When I see Erin from backside, her right pelvic seems more drop than the left side of pelvis. ( I guess that's why she puts more weight on her right leg). so I don't get it why she works to drop her right pelvis. Could you please tell me in detail about this? Thanks!Madeline Black 
Rajashree Srirangarajan
loved it!

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