Step into Fitness<br>Cathleen Murakami<br>Class 5267

Step into Fitness
Cathleen Murakami
Class 5267

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Lovely energy and explanations. Thank you Cathleen
Cathleen Murakami
Dawnna Wayburne ...Hi Dawnna! Thank you so much for taking the time to comment. It was a fun and "HOT" time filming these since it was last summer and during a heat wave....!
Lina S
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A pretty creative workout. Lots of nice ideas to try out with seniors too (maybe not the leg kick over the pole...). I like your image of the periscope. Thank you!
Cathleen Murakami
Lina S thanks's fun to get going and how the creativity starts to flow...hopefully this happens for you as well and you springboard into your own creativity! Appreciate your comment
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Thank you Cathleen for the fun and creative class.  I also love using household items in my virtual classes, especially for my older clients. The periscope image is a great one, I will use that if you don't mind 😉
Cathleen Murakami
lorily, please use it and thank you!

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