Magic Circle Feedback<br>Amy Havens<br>Class 1757

Magic Circle Feedback
Amy Havens
Class 1757

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Thank you Annie and Paula!
Nice class. Did anyone notice the dolphin leaping out of the water at 9:40? :)
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Thank you Alexa.....and after seeing your comment, I went back to watch for the dolphins!!! Thank you for pointing that out, made me smile !!! We love those dolphin visits!
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Amy, I love all your classes. Always great direction and something new.
Thank you so much Barb ;)
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This is a perfect magic circle class! Thank you Amy, I really enjoyed it! -Jaime
Thank you Jaime!
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Lots of astericks on my note sheet for this one, like the rocking rollup, the mermaid to teaser, and the thigh stretch test-shins up! YUM YUM YUM thank you Miss Amy.....and PA
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Jennifer -- you always provide such clear and positive feedback for what you enjoyed in class and what worked for you. I can't tell you how much I appreciate that! :)
Side lying was a bit hard form with the arms bend and head lifted but the class was great with the magic circle specially working on the outer leg...thank you AMy
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