Quick Spinal Articulation<br>Rebekah Rotstein<br>Class 1060

Quick Spinal Articulation
Rebekah Rotstein
Class 1060

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Great class! Are all of the flexion exercises safe for people with osteoporosis? What are your recommendations for persons who want to do Pilates but have osteoporosis?
Thanks Patricia! No the flexion exercises are NOT safe for those with osteoporosis. I have some classes on Pilates Anytime you can watch for that. Here are a few ideas: //www.pilatesanytime.com/program-vi ew/4/Pilates-Program-Bone-Health
An that's also why I created the Buff Bones® program to offer a safe workshop for those with bone loss and also hoping to prevent it. You can see more of that here: //www.pilatesanytime.com/workshop-v iew/1095/video/Pilates-Pilates-for- Buff-Bones-Tutorial-by-Rebekah-Rots tein
And also on my web site.
We filmed an informative video at Pilates Anytime about Buff Bones® Instructor Training around two years ago but I don't see it on the site. Perhaps Gia there at Pilates Anytime knows where it's located??
Great cues - nice flow. Short & sweet class. Thank you Rebecca
loved the organ cues, especially during rollup.
Katarina S
Very nice class. I agree with Aimee, it wasn't the advertised level 2/3. However, you can make this class more challenging by the faster paste. Thank you Rebekah Rotstein (one of my favourite Pilates Instructor here).
Katarina ~ Thank you for your feedback. We actually changed this class to a Level 2 a few years ago after reviewing it again. We're glad to hear that you enjoyed this class!
That may be the perfect little 30 minute full-body workout. Thanks!
This is one I keep coming back to -- it's quick and thorough!
See? Came back again!
I keep doing this one because it's fast, good and thorough. Thanks!
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