Advanced Reformer Sequencing<br>Alycea Ungaro<br>Class 1767

Advanced Reformer Sequencing
Alycea Ungaro
Class 1767

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AMAZING! Loved this thank you Alycea.
Loved this challenging class. I too like the classical order where the exercises flow in order.
1 person likes this.
Wow! That was incredible to watch! I learned so much! Will try it tomorrow :) Kristi I just adore you!
work it!!!
Wonderful class! What is the reasoning between using open fingers/hands v. fists when doing hundreds, coordination?
Bonnie H
Loved the energy ! The cueing and the flow !
Thanks Alycea. I miss the teachers at Realpilates and the NY studio very much. I hope you post more on this site.
I love your workouts and I can't stop watching them! Thank you for preserving the original work in such and amazing way. Your tempo is all business but the workout is still fun and full of personality because of you! You rock!
Melissa C
Great workout, wonderful cues and flow! thank you!
Learned so much from this class. Thank you!
21-30 of 48

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