Magic Circle Burn<br>Brett Howard<br>Class 1811

Magic Circle Burn
Brett Howard
Class 1811

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5 people like this.
This is the best magic circle class I have ever taken. Instructions and pace or perfect, and the variety of exercises work your whole body. LOVED IT. Thank you
Loved this! Quick (or so it seemed), super fun and ready for the day! Thank you Brett!
1 person likes this.
Simply amazing.
3 people like this.
Fabulous. I don't know where the time went. It was so much fun. Thank you.
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Thank you!
Trisha Donnelly
Great class, thanks
4 people like this.
"Tight seat, loose feet" - love your cueing Brett . Thank-you for a great class !
5 people like this.
love love love it..your transitions are seamless. Great reminder on the neck too! Thank you!
2 people like this.
A new Brett Howard workout, Hooray!! Fun workout, Thanks!!
2 people like this.
Thanks for kicking our booties! Loved it.
1-10 of 49

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