Stabilizing Reformer<br>Tracey Mallett<br>Class 1966

Stabilizing Reformer
Tracey Mallett
Class 1966

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Great, really helpful with variety
You weren't kidding about testing the balance! I definitely feel a little bit better about my balance and things I can do at home as a result of this work out.

Just one quick question. Where can I find a half foam roller? I have a full one but I've never seen a half before.
Super fun!
loved it very thorough with great transitions.

Amazing workout, very creative and well balanced . I love the way that you teach it. Thank you Tracey:)
I wish I had a reformer! Can I do any of these reformer moves on a mat? Or any ideas of how I can adapt the routines....
Kimberly ~ You can check out this class for ideas on how to adapt Reformers exercises to the Mat. I would also suggest trying Tracey's other Mat classes, they are just as great!
Jess Perkins
Thanks soo much Tracey!
This is one of my favorite Reformer classes! You also kept my interest throughout the whole workout.
(sometimes, I'm a little zzz with the videos).

Thanks, Maria!
Please advise! I have a Q about the foam roller --I've seen ones (Amazon) that are 3" and 6" wide. Which one is best?
31-40 of 47

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