Intentional Mat<br>Tom McCook<br>Class 2020

Intentional Mat
Tom McCook
Class 2020

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"now reverse - SAY WHAT?!" You're classes are brilliant Tom, your cues are spot on and you always know exactly which bits of my body are yelping - great focus, great class. I can finally do teasers (well, half teasers) Thanks Tom and PA team x
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This was the best class! Loved it! Nice pace very flowing, cues were spectacular. Felt delicious!
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Thank you all for your comments! I'm very happy to hear you're enjoying the classes and appreciating my approach. Thank you Pilates Anytime!
From all of us at Pilates Anytime... Thank you Tom McCook. Your "approach," your experience and your willingness to share your knowledge so effortlessly, is what our members have come to expect. The skill with which you are able to deliver that information is one that us teachers will continue to strive for going forward. I agree with Denee Dow... You are "gifted and sharing your gift." Who could ask for more? So again, we thank you Tom.
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You are SO WElCOME!! You've created this wonderful medium in the service of health and well being for all. I'm honored to be a part.
Love, Tom
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I was debating on whether to do an online yoga class or a Pilates class today. Your class seemed to me to be a perfect combination of the two. Thank you!
Always love the fabulous Tom McCook!!!
Flowing, hard working and relaxing all at the same time. Thanks for a brilliant class!
Absolutely loved this class.... Beautifully calm and focused with very clear and meaningful cues
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