Foam Roller Release<br>Tash Barnard<br>Class 2613

Foam Roller Release
Tash Barnard
Class 2613

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1 person likes this.
great class, thank you :)
2 people like this.
loved every second of this.
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Great class thank you. Some new ideas for my foam roller workouts!
2 people like this.
Nice class, though it's aimed at teachers rather than students... I had nobody to move the roller for me or to finally massage me with it, but good class nonetheless :)
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Really enjoyed this class ! Thank you
1 person likes this.
Very nice class... And it was so nice seeing Julia executing the exercices!!
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Really enjoyed the class - loving working with the foam roller for fascial release. Excellent!
Jane M
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I was given a roller and instruction book a year ago and didn't actually appreciate its value. My massage person suggested a foam roller and the M & W exercise for me to do. This brought me to your class with the foam roller. I really enjoyed your presentation and am starting to understand the roller value!
Tash Barnard
Hi Jane - thank you for the feedback! I am delighted that you've found a good relationship with your FR - happy rolling, and stabilising - Tash
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