Stretch & Mobility Cadillac<br>Meredith Rogers<br>Class 610

Stretch & Mobility Cadillac
Meredith Rogers
Class 610

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I love watching your classes. Thank you for your great cuing and for your fluidity.
Thank you for taking class with me Lauren.
Naz D
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Oh boy oh joy... Thank you Meredith for easing my painful back and sit bones back into strong alignment.. I love your clear teaching style and enjoy that you don't always get your choreography perfect.. Helping me forgive myself when I don't !

Thank you sooo much.. Cheerfully adding this to My favs
Naz D
Hey Meredith,

This is one of my favourites but I can't load it anymore, has it been taken off?

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Naz ~ I'm glad you enjoy this class and I am sorry that it was not working for you. I have sent you an email with some suggestions to help you play the video without problems.
Thanks Gia! Hope you were able to get this class working for you Naz. Thank you for taking class with me.
Naz D
1 person likes this.
Thanks Gia and Meredith - will check email

Meredith, your classes are like my favourite songs, I can't stop playing them! What a wonderful teacher.. We are very lucky.

Happy Christmas
Thanks Naz! That beautiful comment made my day :)
I felt so good after this class i HAD to take it again straight away !! Thanks for your fantastic workouts Meredith, i can't think of any that has not given me exactly what i needed in my body :)
Thank you so much, Anne. That is so nice to hear :)
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