Fitness Ball Fun<br>Kristi C. & Meredith R.<br>Class 2122

Fitness Ball Fun
Kristi C. & Meredith R.
Class 2122

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It is a wonderful thing to workout with a friend like Meredith. It's all the more sweet when new friends join in the fun. Thanks everyone!
Melissa W
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Loved it! Flowed beautifully! Thank you :)
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Wow! Thnx!
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What fun! Just catching this episode of the "Kristi & Meri show" but it was the perfect mix of stretch and strength for "me time" after teaching all day. Oh, and you can't beat the whale show that close, too! Think s/he was trying to join in!
Thank you Jill! I'm thinking s/he WAS upstaging our very serious routine!
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Love it !! At one stage I truly thought that your window was a fake back drop...whales prove not:)
The whales and the window are indeed real Angela!
Thank you ALL for playing with us!
Brenda B
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Loved it. Thanks for the inspiration!
1 person likes this.
my body feels wonderful! did I have a massage? it feels just as good...
21-30 of 39

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