Amy Taylor Alpers

Amy attended The Julliard School for Dance and later performed with The Garden State Ballet in New Jersey. She received a B.A. in Dance and a M.F.A in Dance History from New York University. Amy also taught ballet at various dance schools in New York City for ten years.

Amy studied at the Pilates Studio in New York City in the late 1980s with Romana Kryzanowska.

Amy's and Rachel's commitment is to maintain the powerful integrity and originality of Joe's work.

TPC's core beliefs:

Pilates is a comprehensive system that must be taught in its entirety and on the proper equipment to reap the full benefits envisioned by Joe.

Pilates instructors should know about every piece of equipment and their corresponding exercises because they are integrally tied together.

Pilates instructors should be able to do Pilates well in order to understand the exercises in their bodies to be able to teach them.

Pilates can heal people and thereby heal the world.



Member Since: March 15, 2011
Comments Posted: 42

About me

I'm: a Woman
Where I Live: Boulder, CO
Language(s) I Speak: English
Other Exercise I Enjoy: Ballet

My Pilates Practice

Years of Pilates Experience: 20+
Practice Frequency: Three days a week

My Teacher Training

The Pilates Center - Teacher Trainer (1989)

My Memberships and Certifications

Pilates Method Alliance (PMA) - Member
National Pilates Certification Program (NPCP) - Certified (2001)

PA Badges

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PA Points

166,552 PA Points
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