Linda M

I have a great love of Pilates - having worked with Pilates for over 20 years! I believe deeply in the "honouring of your body" and bring that into my instructing practise. I am a qualified and practising psychological therapist/counsellor which also informs and underpins my belief that "our bodies speak our minds" and that our Psychology becomes our Biology! This is also an aspect of my Instructing Practise. I believe that Pilates is a challenging,informative and unending journey and I continue to enjoy all the information and varied experiences!



Member Since: February 18, 2012
Comments Posted: 9

About me

I'm: a Woman
Where I Live: Sidmouth, East Devon UK
Language(s) I Speak: English
Other Exercise I Enjoy: Yoga (A few times a month)

My Pilates Practice

Years of Pilates Experience: 31
Practice Frequency: Daily

My Teacher Training

Michael King Pilates - Comprehensive (1993)
Michael and Ton Pilates - Mat (1994)
Kathy Corey Pilates - Mat (2005)

My Memberships and Certifications

Pilates Institute - Member - Certified (1993)

PA Badges

Watched 10 Classes
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Watched 100 Classes
Watched 3 Videos in a week
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Spine Twist
Rolling Like A Ball
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8 Years of Membership

PA Points

146,987 PA Points
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