Niedra Gabriel

I was introduced to Pilates by Alan Herdman in the mid 70's!!! I had the good fortune to do full teacher training and be certified by Romana Kryzanowska. Later I became a teacher trainer for Power Pilates. I am now teacher trainer and consultant for Mind2Body studio in Studio City.
I teach yoga, aerial yoga/circus, and raw food lifestyle classes. I host workshops, retreats and guest teach and love sharing what I do. My knowledge keeps evolving as I learn through my body.



Member Since: June 26, 2010
Comments Posted: 1,328

About me

I'm: a Woman
Where I Live: Ojai, California
Language(s) I Speak: English
Other Exercise I Enjoy: Yoga (Twice a week), aerial arts (Twice a week), yamuna body rolling (Three days a week), Crossfit (A few times a month)

My Pilates Practice

Years of Pilates Experience: 20+
Practice Frequency: Twice a week

My Memberships and Certifications

Pilates Method Alliance (PMA)
National Pilates Certification Program (NPCP) - Certified
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