Class #1345

Playing with Tempo

30 min - Class


Monica teaches a Mat workout to our guests from the Pilates on Tour pre-conference field trip. In this class, Monica plays with different dynamics by changing the tempo to some of the exercises. She also adds a few Reformer exercises and changes the order a bit.
What You'll Need: Mat

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Dec 29, 2013
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Well, welcome ladies are really excited to have you. We're going to go through a nice workout, really playing with the different dynamics and tempos of the exercises. So sometimes can be slow, slow, slow, quick or quick, and then slow to pull up something like that. And as well as adding a, maybe some reformer exercises in here and changing up the order a little bit, just playing it up. Okay. Now we have some knee flection, so you're going to make some modifications if you have, um, if you were going back on your knee or, or so. And all of us have a long list of things that, uh, we need to avoid or do. So if an exercise doesn't feel good to you, just leave it out and we'll move on to the next exercise really shortly. Okay?

All right. If we're all okay with doing a Pilati sit, I'd like you to come to the front of your mat and stand in a plotty stance, which is heels together and chose just like a small piece of pizza apart. Good. And now really pull your mind to your body. Draw your belly in. We're going to call your belly from now on your powerhouse and you're going to draw your belly into your back as well as up into your chest. And we're going to lean your weight forward onto the ball of your foot, onto the balls of your foot. Very nice.

Try to make sure your knees aren't locked. Pulling your belly in and up. Put one arm on top of the other and one foot in front or behind the other and you're going to lower yourself down. Really keeping your belly in enough. Good. And I'm going to hold onto you to lower yourself down. Very good. Nice. And then I want you to put your hands behind you. Lifting your bottom to the middle of the Mat and roll out your spine.

Just lie on down. Good. And I love starting off with reaching your arms behind you and thinking about a horse on each limb and they're pulling you in four different directions. So you really have a lot of energy pulling your legs long at a, your hips, reaching your arms long as well. Just really getting a stretch. You're going to have space behind your back underneath to the mat right now.

And that's fine. Good. And then after that, I want you to take a big breath and reach your arms up to the ceiling and exhale and bring your arms down by your side. Good. Draw your knees into your chest. Using your powerhouse. Bring your head up using your powerhouse long arms and right in the beginning. Make sure the bottom of your shoulder blades are glued to the mat. Make sure your belly is pulling in. And now as you pull it up, pull it up as you reach your arms longer. Good and starting like that.

Let's pump. Inhale two, three, four, five. Exhale, two, three, four, five. Inhale, two, three, four, five, straight in your legs. Two, three, four, five. In with the air, I like to use a barbershop pole. Exhale as an image. So from your hip bone, imagine that there's a barbershop pole circling down your inklings. And those are the muscles in your thighs. Really working to have a slight turnout in the thighs, like turnout in the knee. Slight turnout all the way so you can feel the arch.

Lift the inner thigh. Lift your power. Ha, pelvic floor powerhouse. Good. Let's quicken up those arms really fast. Really fast, quicker, quicker, sitting up. That's it. Really pumped them. Keep those shoulders in fast, fast, fast. Give me one more like that. Really from the shoulder. That's it, Cathy. And now hug your knees into your chest. Nice job. Go ahead and sit up. Put your feet on the mat, hands underneath your knees, and we're going to round your back. Give me a good seeker and you're going to roll back your waistband.

So keeping your legs where they are. Try to get your waistband down on the map. Hold. Take a breath. Exhale, come forward curling your spy. Take a breath. Exhale, roll down your waistband. So really articulating. Go down to your bottom of your shoulder blades or your bra strap. Hold. Take a breath. Keep your waistband down as you exhale and curl forward.

Your Bra Strap. Then your waistband. Good. Go all the way down to your head. Keep your seeker, start with your waistband for me. Galley. There Ya go. Rolling through all the way down through your neck and head. Inhale, lift your head up. Exhale, rolling up the upper back, the bra strap. Good. The waistband, curling. Good. Straighten your legs and reach for your ankles. Reach, reach. Try to get your head down. Good.

Now think about your hip bones and your belly and it should not be lying on your thighs. You should have space between your belly and your thighs. Okay, so a nice, that's a good position there, Savannah. So I'm going to pull you back just a little bit, Kathy. There you go. Good. And I meant to say Tracy told Ya, and we're going to start rolling back your hip bones. Let's start from the hip bones, the bottom of your box rolling back. Good. Your waistband, the bottom of your shoulder blades or your bra strap, the rolled through the neck and head and reach your arms up to the ceiling and back. Inhale, arms come up. Keep inhaling head. Exhale, curl up one bone at a time, reach forward, place the palms next year, ankles on the mat and stretch forward again, keeping that nice lift in your powerhouse. Good. Really stretch.

Cause when we do the rollover, you are want your back of your thighs are really flexible and stretched out and roll down. Lower back, middle back, scoop, scoop, scoop, upper back and reaching your arms up and back. One more at this tempo. Arms up head. Keep inhaling. Exhale. Roll it all the way up. Reach forward and stretch. Start to roll back with your inhale like you're pulling a big weight back with your stomach. Exhaling all the rest of the way down. Now for the next three, we're going to double time that tempo. Here we go. Arms head, retreat your toes and rolling back. Lower back, middle back, upper back and reach trumps and arms head scooping it up. Good. Inhale to start. Rolling. Exhale to finish it. And we're going to do one more time.

Inhale to start. Exhale all the way to your toes. Inhale to roll. Exhale all the way down. Nice job. Great, great, great. And I want you to hug. Um, let's go ahead and bring the both knees into your chest, Tracy. Good job getting back on the mat. Same thing. Sabina. Get back a little bit more on the Mat. Good.

Well all of us kind of slid our heads back. We're going to come that good. Alright, so betting the knees into your chest. We're going to do a little frog in like circles before the roll over that comes right after that extra. So hands one over the other please behind your head. No lacing of fingers. I'm gonna keep it really traditional here. So hand over hand. And I want you to just stay there and inhale, opening the lungs and exhale, pulling your belly in and up.

One more time in with the air. Really expanding that ribcage. Exhale, drawing your belly and enough this time, inhale as you lift your head and shoulders and looking at your belly. And exhale, really scoop your belly in and up and hold your upper body there and knees open a little bit. Feet and Pilati stance. And we're going to extend the legs forward for frog. So wrap and squeeze forward and pull him back in and long, beautiful. And in. And imagine that you're on the reformer and you're pushing something out and the opposition is your belly goes in and up. Good.

And tomorrow and your belly scooping it. And give me one more holding those legs there. We're going to bring up up a little bit and open to circle down around, up. Good. And it's outer thighs, back of the legs. Squeeze those inner thighs. Enough. Good outer thighs, every part of the thigh and two good.

One more really stink anchored and Holt. We're going to reverse, but look at those legs. Are those barbershop holes working? And we're going to go down around, up. Good. We're length in here, down around, up. Really reaching those legs down around up two more. So this is the prelude to our rollover. Last one. God, hold the legs there. Lower the neck and head. Reach your arms long by your side and scooping and bring those legs over your head. Open the legs. This is the circle here. Open and coming down with the legs open, rolling down one bone. At a time.

Good. And we're going to squeeze together and over right out. Over. Imagine you're still doing your circles open and coming down. Good. No pausing. Last one together. Over. That's at Cathy. And now we're going to do the reverse. So you're going to come down and we're going to go open to go over. Is that right? And squeeze. And we're going to stay together to come down.

Are we reversing it now and down? Opening it over with the moped. Squeeze together. Once you're here and then down, that's it. And get a nice arch last time. Open and over. Wait a go and squeezing. And Nice. Nice job.

Keep your right leg and lower the left one down to the mat. Okay. The left leg is down the middle of your body and still active. Stretch the right one to you. One last time. Even though you've gotten a lot of stretches and now arms plant by your side. Single leg circle. Start at your nose. Cross your shoulder down, around and up. Good. Keep your hips steady. Much better.

Cross around, up to more. Cross surround up. Last one. Cross around ever. We're going to go the other way. Reach good and pull your belly away from you. Reach out. That's it. And reaching out. Love it. Two more. I can't count by the way, down around them. And now bend the knee and hug it in. Switching legs right down, left knee in and up.

Stretch that back of the thigh. And then hands by your side. And again, starting up at your nose and then crossing down around up. Good. Cross around. Good. Richard. Shoulders longer. [inaudible] that's it. Use your belly instead. One more. Sorry Kathi. Crossroads holds reversing. It reached down around, up. And I think your hip can reach a lot more. That's it.

And Orange. One more. Nice. Hugging that knee. Very good. Good. But the leg down and I want you to roll on up to a seated position. So you're gonna just have your legs nice and straight. Good. Just stay right there. Just right there. Okay.

So the transition to rolling like a ball, we usually get pretty picky about it, but instead I want you to put your hands a little bit behind you and we're going to do something else. So we're going to squeeze your hips and we're gonna use those triceps. And I want you to lift up your bottom until you're a straight line. And we're going to start with the right leg and you're going to kick it up and flex it down. So it's going to go point and flex. And now left point and flex. Good, right and left. Use the bottom one more, right and left. Good job.

Now lift your bottom to your heels. Good. And now you're going to either put your hands on your knees or hands on your ankles for rolling like a ball. Go ahead. Head is trying to talk between those knees, balancing with the feet up and in with the air roll back. Exhale, come up in with the airbag.

Nice slow tempo. Exhale. One more. Really trying to get up onto those shoulders, but not on the neck. Exhale up. I'll double time that. Inhale. Roll back. Come up. And two more. Inhale. No rollback. Come right back up. One more. Rolling back. Don't lose that stomach. Hold, hold, hold. Nice job. Put your feet down.

So now we're here and we're going to put our hands behind us again. And you're going to pull back and you're going to do what are those bottoms? There we go. And we're gonna do some tricep depth. So keep your shoulders away from your ears and dip down and up and two and three and four and five and up. And now lower down your bottom. Good. Bringing your right knee into chest. Right hand on ankle, left hand, Ani.

We're gonna pretend we're doing a while La. And you're gonna roll down only to the bottom of your shoulder blades reaching the left leg away from you. And we're ready for a series of five and left and use your belly to bring in the right. I'm super slow right now. Pulling in left. That leg can pull in. I know, but use your powerhouse. One more using your powerhouse. Now let's go right left, right, left. Good. Keep it going. Left, right, left, right and left and hug in both knees and inhale rich.

Skip your belly and reach your legs longer. Reach your fingertips longer and exhale. Inhale, reach long, long, long. And pull it in and here we go. It's reached scooping it. Reach, scoop it in two more. Breech scooping and beautiful job. Keeping your bellies and great job. Right leg up, left leg forward and switch and stretch and rapid scoops.

Keep the leapt up and switch so you're stretching the right, but really work the back of your thigh and seat one more and now flying through the air. It's right, left, right reach those hips out. Here we go. Quickly, fast. That's it. The timbales really quick. Hold it here. Hands behind your head. We're going to go slow. Quick, slow, quick. Ramani used to say strike a match. Now we're going to go slow. Quick and slow. You can quick and slow. Beautiful. One more quick and slow and twist. Two, three and switch. Twist to three and switch. Twist, twist, twist. Last time I promise. And hugging those knees.

Nice job. Sit on up for spine. Stretch forward. Legs are out. Okay. Take a big breath and now exhale, curling into yourself. Go as low as you can. Yes. Good, good, good. Stay there. Flex your feet. Put Your hands on the arches. Go ahead. Look at your hipbones. Are they stacked over your sit bones?

I want you to take a breath here and exhale. Pull your belly in and up and get your head lat down lower and lower and lower. Leave your feet, roll up your spine. With that inhale, roll up. Inhaling, inhaling, inhaling, roll down. Exhaling, exhaling, exhale, exhale, exhale, roll up. Inhaling, inhaling, inhaling, roll down. Exhaling, exhaling, exhaling, roll up. Inhaling, inhaling, inhaling, and roll down. Exhaling, go forward. Yes, yes. One more. Up, up, up, and relax a little bit, but roll back on your pelvis so that your, and now really get a little bit kind of, it's tough cause our thighs will take over, but try not to let them get tight. Make it in your stomach and have your legs float to your ankles so you're just going to come right up. Okay. And tell those guys to turn off. Okay.

Stomach and an up and roll back and come up and rolling back and coming up and roll back and come up and hold it and see if you can use your belly to sit a little more on those. Sit bones not so far into that. Lower back, and just give me one more. Inhale, roll back. Exhale, roll up, hold. Squeeze your legs together. That's a little preview to your teaser again, and roll down away from your legs, leaving them there. Good arms down by your side leg. Straight up for corkscrew. We're all going to go towards the ocean. Circle down towards the Mat, away from the ocean and center away from the ocean. You can keep your bottom down. Instead, I want you to really reach away a reach away.

Nice. One more set. And Lex time last one. Here we go. And pull right on up for. Sit on up for the Saul. So the legs, our arms are out. Legs are short, little wider than shoulder with. Pull those toes back again. We're concentrating on these hips.

Just decided to today and we're not gonna move them. Okay, so you feel your sit bones underneath. We're going to keep weight on your sip phones and your hipbones and you're going to twist without moving those. And now we're going to exhale, reaching away from your hips and inhale, stack up your spine. Rotate your spine and exhale, reach away from your hips. Inhaling up, keep those hips stacked and exhaling and inhaling up. Twist the spine and exhale. Good. One more set. Inhaling up, flex those toes.

A little more twist saw off the baby toe. Inhaling up, twist and exhale soft the other toe. Yes, keep the weight on the left sip bone. That's it. And the and rest your arms down. Squeeze your legs together, flip over onto your belly. Hands are right underneath your shoulders. If you're really flexible in your spine, otherwise a little forward and a little out to the side. Okay.

Support your back with your stomach. Squeeze your legs together if you can, and really lengthen your spine in two directions. So sand your pelvis, squeeze your pelvis together and send it to your heels. Pull your belly in and up out of the crown of your head. Really have an inch between each vertebra and as you come up into your backbend, keep that space between each vertebra coming up as high as you can, and we're all gonna look towards the ocean. Then circle the head down to your chest, away from the ocean and forward and reverse that. Circle away from the ocean. Circle down around and look forward. And as you come down, really lengthen your spine.

So come down onto your belly that's nice and Taut and you've got your six pack work and there you go. Lengthening out the crown of your head. Let's do that one more time. Pulling in Linkedin your pelvis away from your lower back. Pull your belly in and up as you come up. One bone at a time. Nice job. This time. Start looking away from the ocean, then down around to your chest, all the way over that shoulder. Good.

Now look over to the ocean all the way that shoulder down around, all the way away from the ocean and look forward. And now you're almost pulling the map behind you as you laid them in front of it to come down. That's it. That's it. Nice job. And now we're going to quickly go up onto our elbows and we're going to push our knuckles into each other. So our muscles right under our arms are nice and working stomachs in. Squeeze the back of your legs and seek to lift up your legs.

So niche off the mat and we're gonna bring the right heel to our seat. Twice one too. Then left to right to left too. They'd pass each other. They do not like each other. There we go. And one more set right to left to now. This one, you're going to put your right cheek on the mat.

Hands Clasp behind your back. Good. And I want you to squeeze your legs together. And again, using your hamstrings. You want to bring your hands, Kathy, as high up behind your back as you can and then get the elbows down. The goals to be right here for good, good stretch. So squeeze your legs together and then see if you can lift them off the mat so there's light under your knees. Keeping the light under your knees.

Three kicks to your bottom of both feet. Kicking in one, two, three than the legs go down. Your chest comes up in the arms. Lengthen two, three, switch cheeks and kicking. One, two, three, and I saw a lot more light under those knees on the first set. Switch cheeks. Let's see the light under those knees, up with those knees, Kathy. That's it. And then down with the legs on your stretch. And last time, let me see the light onto your knees. That's it. And then up, up, up and rest. We're going to go sit in on your heels. So wherever that is for your knee, scooping in and just reaching your arms away from you and having against space between your belly and your thighs, you get a nice, nice stretch. I'm going to straighten you out a little there. There you go. All right, we're all gonna flip over now and you're going to have your feet towards each other. So you're going to be on your back or sitting.

We're going to start with the sip for the neck pool. Wella legs are sh hip width apart, sitting up tall, squeeze up off your seat, and you're going to roll down one bone at a time scooping and really try to use your bottom to push your heels away. And then we're gonna come right back up in with your exhale to curl forward and inhale, sit up tall and now roll back. I'm going to open your legs, hip, and push your heels into me as you go back, back, back. And then your hands can go right by your side to curl up cause you're going to curl up a high head and exhale all the way. Use your breath.

Inhale to sit up tall. And I love that you go back like that and then exhale to roll back. Push your heels, activate that seat. Beautiful engagement of your stomach. Loving hands can go right back if you need it. And then inhale to start. Exhale all the way up. Perfect. Inhale, roll up your spine, make sure you're rolling up your spine, and then exhale back, back, back stack in your spine. Jomar here we go in with the exhale all the way.

Don't lose steam here. You'll never come back up. And then inhale rolling up and exhale, lengthening in two different directions. And one more time in with the exhale all the way up. Inhale, sitting up tall and exhale rolling back. Great. Let's all face that way and we're going to lie on our side for sidekicks.

You're going to be a straight line on the back edge of your mat please. And I'd like you to rest your head on your hand and your elbow is also in a straight line. So pool that elbow back and then you're going to bring your legs slightly forward and lift the top leg up. There Ya go. Good. Okay, nice. Now with that top leg, I still want you to imagine from that hip bump, I want you to imagine that barbershop pole rolling and rolling and reaching and absolutely no energy and your foot today. Okay? Just here using your powerhouse, pull that leg forward for a little double pulse one, two and take it back for dual pulse and one, two and back two.

But really as far forward as you can and really as far back as you can today, I want you to really work that flexibility. You need extension instead of working so stiff and perfect and forward and back. And let's do four and back and three more. And stomach can help pull and hamstring and Gluco back. And tomorrow forward and back. And one more.

Good. And now I want you to put the legs together and that top hand right here on that hip. So you really feel whether that hip stays stacked on the other one and you're gonna use your outer thigh to push that leg up to your ear. Push it up all the way up, and then squeeze your inner thighs together. So now you're gonna push up without moving that hip for me. Nice.

And then reach as you go down. And then stomach two more up. Good. One more time. Everyone's, there we go. It's crazy now to stay here. And the only thing that circling is your leg. Little Circle. Circle. What? Quicker? Three, four, five. Reverse it.

So go one and two and three and four and five. There Ya go. Lie onto your belly. Make a small pillow for your forehead with your hands. Good. Squeeze your legs together. Lift them up and open them in the width of the Mat. Great job.

Don't use your inner thighs to squeeze them together all the way together. Just hold them tight for me. Kathy adds it. Open the width of the mat and squeeze them together as if you are squeezing into a really tight pair of skinny jeans and you zipped up the back zipper. And now I want you to do that. Hyperspeed here we go. One, two, three, four by six. Use those muscles. Eight, nine, ten one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, 10. Nice job. Good. Lower down your legs. Go ahead and just roll over to your other side.

So now you're gonna be facing me. So you're lining up on the back edge of your mat and then you're going to bring your legs forward to the front edge. So they should be a 45 degree angle with your frame. Okay, this starts off here with your hand placed in front. Lift up your top leg just at the level of your hip and have it turned out a little bit. So you have other muscles besides your quad turned on stomach, helps to pull it forward for a one, two and back. Two and stomach and hamstring and glue and stomach and powerhouse.

To here, you really have to pull your belly in so that you can work your hamstring and bottom to go back instead of just losing all of your power and all of your frame. Let's do three more. This hand can help you balance. If you're so cool, then you can put it behind you. And I think that was, we'll do one more for good measure legs together. Hand here. Well we've got my mic pack, but here and you're gonna push up and squeeze down. Now I can fly my leg up and squeeze down, but I don't use any good muscles. So keep your hips stacked as you push up and then squeeze the ton down and then spews those inner thighs.

We don't like Wagley when inner thighs up and squeeze as in thighs. One more time and inner thigh tight, tight, tight. Hold that leg and it's one and two and three and four and five beavers. One, two, three, four and rest it lie onto your back. And we're going to bend the knees into your chest and shake out your thighs so you literally can throw a nice little tantrum. Good. We're going to do, or one, two and three. Okay. So we're going to extend the legs up, reach your arms back and with your belly, scooped in, lower the legs down to a comfortable 45 degree angle. And you're going to roll up and touch your toes or pretend to, there you go. And now leave your legs there and roll away from them.

You got it. And right back up and rolling away from them and right back up. And you're gonna stay up and we're going to lower the legs and then pull up and down. One more. Reach your hips away from you. Good. And now arms lift from your waist and roll everything down. And everything comes up and arms lift and everything goes here and everything comes up. And now grab onto your ankles. Good.

And I want you to think about tree and on tree on the reformer, you have to hold your legs up on, I mean I know you have to hold your legs up from your belly and your hips. And Romana used to like to walk in the teaser position. So she would make us take one hip forward and then the other and the other. So using your belly and your hip, try to walk forward and now walk back. I'm just going to make you do it for four more times two, three, four, five. And lie down, hugging those knees in. You guys are good support. Nice job. Go ahead and sit up and we're going to get ready for seal.

So next time you think about tree and you're getting ready on the short box and you switch over to side to gate that hip over, you want to think about how you have to pull under that hip and hold your frame instead of leaning so much to one side so that you can walk in your teaser next time that much better. Alright, seal hands underneath your ankles. And let's look at those hip bones. You don't want them pushed forward holding yourself with your lower back on this one. You do want to have them almost looking at the ceiling and you're going to clap. Two, three, rolled back, clap two, three enough.

Hold any bellies sticking out. All right, clap two, three, roll back, clap two, three and uphold. I want when you're back there Thomas, feel like you're doing a stomach crunch back there. Holding yourself with your belly. K and you're going to roll back. Hold clip two, three up. That looked better. Let me see. Three more. Rolling back. Clap two, three and up to three and roll back. You only have two more.

We're going to roll to a standing position after this one. So you're gonna roll back. Let go of your feet. Cross your ankles and roll right on up to stand. Good. Come on up now. Walk to the back edge of your mat and we're gonna Finish with nice tone arms for two sets of five pushups. So arms up to the ceiling and you really want, imagine that you're up against the wall, you're pulling your belly in and out, reaching through your fingertips, roll off an imaginary wall, hit the floor, and then walk out into your pushup position.

Hold and just stay there. Open your collar bone, support your lower back with your belly. Lengthen your spine in two different directions and now five pushups. Elvis going straight back down, up one. Don't lose your beautiful frame and three and four and five and now as if someone's lifting you from your waist on up and walk back to your feet again, roll up through your spine as if you're going against an imaginary wall and reach your arms up and get ready for one more set. Your weight should not be back. It should be on the ball of your feet.

Often I make people's do it on your tippy toes and then rolling forward, walking out plank position. Give me all you got. Can me Buns of steel and down up one. Where's my bottom of steel squeeze. There you go. Two more straight back with those elbows if you can. One more. And again, as if someone's pulling you up by your waist, walk back to your feet, roll up through your spine, and I want you to exhale until your arms are up to the ceiling. Exhale all your air.

And now I want you inhale pulling your belly in and up as you push down your arms and exhale, and you guys were fantastic. Good job.


Thank you! Great Sunday morning session. I'm awake, now :)
Monica, you never fail to make me sweat. You are a brilliant teacher.
Monica Wilson
Thank you ladies! I'm glad you enjoyed it!
Thank you for this lovely and challenging happy new year workout Monica! All the cookies I ate over the holidays are melting away! Lol!
I loved prepping the muscles before the rollover. I was actually able to do a couple today, and that's a really tough one for me.
1 person likes this.
Very nice. Thanks!
Monica Wilson
Glad you enjoyed it Kandie!
Quick and efficient class; thank you Monica

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