Class #2613

Foam Roller Release

35 min - Class


Feel the release of your body in this Foam Roller workout with Tash Barnard. She teaches a basic class using short lever exercises to build strength. She starts with release work to prepare your body, then moves into strength and stability exercises like Pelvic Curl, Quadruped, and much more.
What You'll Need: Mat, Foam Roller

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Welcome back to [inaudible] anytime today we have the beautiful Geo with us to do a foam roller basic class using short leavers. So please join me. All you need is a foam roller and we are actually going to start in a supine position by doing a lot of release work before we get into the strength and stability work, right? So Juliana, you can just lie down and then let's just move you up a little bit this way. Great. Now I'm gonna ask you to hold your pony in your hands. If you're wearing a hoodie or you have long, hey, make sure you tuck that pony riots in.

Otherwise it might get caught in the Rola. So we're going to start with a debrief on the inhale and on the excel. Just allow your body to reach back and hold it here. So remember we always work with good pain and not uncomfortable pain. So if this is too sharp in your back, bring your body down just a little bit.

So stay in the extension and just move down. So this is just an adjustment to make. So we're going to keep it here for three breaths. We inhale and we just going to excel, relaxed. Just allow the body to stretch the reaching the arms out to the side, not forcing the movement. Ava, one more breath.

Giulia in hell and Xcel. Good. This town we are going to take the inhale. We just going to come into a chase lift as you exhale just to get movement through those facet joints of the spine and we go in hell back. Inhale, inhale and on the exhale we're going to just call forward again. So just align the spine to move into extension, which is not a natural movement on a day to day basis, but it feels so good, right? Two more. Inhale and exhale. Exhale.

So we're going to do one more and then we're going to add a massage. Inhale and this Tom Excel just to parallel to the floor so you don't come fully into the flection. Take a break for me. Inhale on the exhale, press the hips up towards the ceiling and then you just going to roll your upper back out on this roller. And this is just a feel good movement. So you need to feel in your body what feels good right now. Maybe you tied more tight on the right side or the left side. So allow your body to go there and tenderize that little section out.

The only thing we want to take good caution of is the lower floating rubs and the kidney areas that try and avoid that area. So move over to the one side, Juliet. Yes. And Roll right up towards your c spine. Yay. A's over all the stress sets in as upper traps. And then we can do the other side. Good.

And at the same time the hamstrings are waking up, right? Come back to the center, take a lower the hips down. And then just one more time. Excel, reach, bare. Great work. See already how this is increased, how her spinal extension is increased. So take a break, Juliet, draw your chin. Theo, chase this. Tom, you're going to rotate onto your right side. Stack your knees and your hips on top of each other. And then we just got, I'm going to ask you to move back a little bit towards me with your shoulder blade too so that you're in the center of the bench.

This time we're going to add a rotation. Remember our spines can flex and extend and rotate. So inhale and in. Exhale, reach back and just hold the jam. Make sure the hands are supporting the head. You never want your neck to hang off your spine and then we excel or your head hang off your spine. Should I say left up and exhale, rotate. Doesn't really matter if there's a shifting in the hips at the stage because we just releasing the thoracic spine.

We'll do two more and rotate. Inhale, have a pause here. Then use the obliques, Xcel that they function to move the body back and we're going to do one more and we're just gonna hold it here for two breaks and make sure your hands are holding your head. Okay. Your hands are assisting your head in this position. Take a breath, inhale and on the XL Giulia, just come halfway back. Stay here. Press your feet down into the mat, lift your hips up at an angle. And this time you want to just roll out those tame the sticky spots in the shoulder blade area. And again, if it's too painful, if you've hit a trigger point, just come off at slightly and then slowly go back into that uncomfortable position because you never want to hold onto the massage. We want to release good two more and one more and in lower the hips down.

Great. And we'll do the other side. I'll move the roller for you. Great work. So if you're doing this at home or in your studio, you can just turn around to face the other side to make the transition easier, right? Bring this elbow a little bit forward, close your body up like a little shell and in lifter elbow and rotate. Good. And this is also a good opportunity for you to check in what's happening in the left and right hand side of your body. So we generally all have one side that's a little bit tighter, that's a little bit more stiff.

Recognize this in your body and then always assess at the end of the session the difference and how good it feels to be more balanced after [inaudible] and back. Good. And we're going to do one, one whole, they fill those two breaths and hold it. Yeah, taking a breath, inhale and on the exhale. And if you are an instructor that are doing this with the client, be aware of where you're placing your hands, that you actually assisting the client into increasing that straight or that feel good moment. It's like a breath. Inhale, you're going to only move forward halfway, Juliet. Press the feet down into the floor, lift the hips up and roll up and down. And this is kind of like an awkward position to be in our found. We're not teachers in my math classes, people don't really know where to go, so we targeting this whole shoulder girdle area to message that out.

We'll do two more and if you need deeper work, you lift the hips higher up so that there's more pressure on the roller and one more. Great. Lower the hips down and bring yourself into an upright position. Okay, you guys. So from here Julia, you can spin yourself the other way. Move towards the age of the page. I'm going to slip this inserts like a braid, lift your hips and in slowly roll your spine down so that your head fits onto the age of the roller. So now that you have increased your flection and your extension and your rotation, your upper body should be nice and loose and ready for a good workout. We're gonna start with our pelvic call.

So just to make sure the spine is in neutral, the pelvis is in neutral and your knees are bent at 90 degrees. I'm gonna move your feet slightly forward and away. Good work, right? Taking a deep breath. Inhale as we excelled. Giulia, just through the pelvis towards the poster results. And that's all for now in hell. Back to the neutral and excel drawing the abdominals and that allows the pelvic area to work and release.

We'll do three more and XL deep abdominal connection and release. And you want to make sure that your neck is nice and relaxed. Your head is resting on the roller and release. This is the last one. We're going to Xcel. Draw into this [inaudible] pose and hold the chair. Inhale.

Exhale deep in the articulation as you press the hips up and hold it, making sure we hit the shoulder through the hip, through the knee in the diagonal line. Inhale to pose and excel to roll down. Articulate the spine, bringing the pelvis back to the neutral. Good. Work in hell for the prep and Xcel. Drool the abdominals. Articulate the spine. Roll, roll. Roll in Hell and excel.

Cool down. Drew the pubic bone up and over to the nose into your neutral and we go again in help repair Xcel. Tilt the pelvis. Keep those adductors connected in hell to hold and excel to roll down. Deepen, deepen, beautiful. Julio. We're going to do two more. K, inhale and XL. Tilt and roll. Hand Roll.

I want you to pause here for a second. Late your hips. Praise towards your shoulders and your pubic bone towards your nose. Yes, Julia, can you feel that as glutes and hamstrings and excel. Roll down. Give me more. Give me more. And last one. Good work. Inhale and exhale. Articulate the spine. The arms are quite active here, so make them work late. The triceps work here.

Are we going to hold it? Yeah, we're going to add a little abduction as you exhale and inhale and exhale and we'll do six more and squeeze and hold it for that split second. Thank you. And five, squeeze and hold. It's always a little bit of extra. That makes the word so much more valuable. Three more. Am I counting two and excel. Hold it. Yeah. And only cause you so good. Julio keeps squeezing my hand.

And we're going to do six glued pulses up. Four, six and five. Gimme that post your ad took. Yes. Three and hold that parallel legs and excel. Articulate and roll down. Brilliant work. Write stuff. So bring your hands on your, onto your shoulders and we just gonna do a shoulder release. We're gonna just roll the shoulders forward, up and back.

Good and forward up. Nice big shoulder rolls. Align those shoulder joints to me. Two more. So this is such a great exercise. If you sit a lot and release and change direction up and around and up. See if the Elvis can touch ya. Yes.

Three more aches held to aches. Hell one. And from here, reach your arms up towards the ceiling. So if you're a beginner, I suggest you keep your hands down. For this exercise we are going to challenge your deep stabilizers. So take a breath.

Inhale as you XL drool the abdominals and lift your right leg up off the floor. Great work. Giulia, hold it day k. So again, keep the eyes focus. Don't look around because our bodies tend to go where our eyes are. So from here, Juliet, I'm going to get you to play. Whoa, Whoa, whoa.

Wait for me. Place your left hand on the floor. Be kind to your body. Okay. So give your body time to ICAP. The foam roller is challenging you on an unstable surface. So let's just keep the left hand slightly on the floor. We're going to inhale. Tap the toe down. Exhale, lift the right leg up again. We go again.

Inhale and we exhale, lift and we inhale. Draw the abdominals down as you lift. We'll do two more. Inhale and stretch. One more and left. Hold it. Pause. Press your hand down. Place your leg down. Inhale.

Exhale, lift the left leg up. Find your stability. Find your balance. Good focus and the upper body. This time, Giulia, reach the left arm up other hand this time. Sit Up. That's okay. Hold it. Hold it. Hold it. Draw your inner core towards the center of your body. Yes, I can see that working in how to tap down. Exhale to lift. Inhale to tap, exhale to lift and inhale and a great cue that I like to use here is initiate the work from that hamstring as the Lego stand.

Press with the hamstring because as the work gets more intermediate, advanced, we need that extension. We need to activate those extensors and we'll do one more. Inhale and Xcel lift and hold. This time we're going to keep the leg up. Place your hand down on the floor. We are going to move into the leg changes. So we pause for the in-breath.

On the exhale. Switch your legs in the air. Pause. Inhale, exhale, switch. Your spine has softened into the roller. Don't try and maintain that neutral spine. Let your abdominals work as those other muscles that we are trying to targets.

Three more. Xcel, draw more abdominals. Good. Two more and one. Bring both knees up. Find the stillness and the stability in the movement. Yeah, draw the adductors together. Draw the inner core. Think there's front of the abdominals, the side of the abdominals, all drawing towards the center of the spine.

And then place your right foot down with control. Place your left foot down and we're going to circle the arms around for your chase. Loved. Interlace the hands behind the head. So again, because of all the thoracic extension and rotation that we did, your chest lift should feel so much easier than just doing the chase lift without the release work. So we've got to start with the in breath on the XL. Draw the chin to the chase and the chase towards the thighs. We're going to inhale lower down. Giulia. Good. And exhale.

Two left up. Left up. Pelvis is neutral. Inhale to lower down and excel as the chase comes up. The abdominals. Praise into the spine and lower down and exhale. We're going to do one more then I'm going to change the breath.

Inhale to lower down. We exhale. Lift the chest up. This time we pause, hold, and exhale. Pause for the inhale. Exhale to lift the chest up, up, up. Good. Inhale and exhale to lower down. Let's do three more in help repaying XL two left up. Can you feel how your lower back is often into the roller? Inhale.

Good. Thank you for the extra lift day and two more in hell and eggs sell co Co Co. Yes, Julia and lower down. Great work. One more. Inhale and excel to lift up. Reach your hands to hold onto the back of your legs.

Pull yourself a little bit forward using your hands. Maintain the height of your chaser. Maintain the stability, knows abdominals and just bring your hands. We're going to go into the rotation. Excel over to your side, right side. Same to inhale. Think of your upper body moving like a satellite dish so there is no change in the angle of the elbow to the shoulder, to the midline of the body. Two more Julio Roads Hate St [inaudible] and rotates to hold and lower down.

Great work. If you are on a mat, extend your arms out in a tee position. Juliet, just press your hands down so that you don't fall off the beach and just go into a little out with a whole body moves from side to side. Think of where all the muscles attach into that spinal area and just allow it to release out a few more and then roll off to the right side. I'll take your roller lie on your back and just enjoy this moment where it feels like the floor second year in with all that opening upwork so close to your spinal area. All right, so I want you to lift your legs one at a time of the floor. We're going to price the royal underneath your feet and from here.

Okay. I'm actually going to ask you to move up a little, but just so that we sit up for what's to come a little bit later. There we go again. The feet and the legs are one fist with the pot. We're going to go into your pelvic coast, so take a deep breath in. Hell for me on the XL.

Draw the abdominals because of the height of the roller. Your extension feel so much greater in help pose and excel. Articulate the spine and roll down all the way to the neutral. Inhale again and exhale. Tilt and roll up. Roll Up. Roll up again.

Hold it here for a second. Julia, if I had to take a poll from the shoulder joint through the hip joint through the knee, joint would give us one beautiful, elongated line. Inhale and excel. Articulate more Julia. Yay. Side Q and neutral. Two more. Inhale and exhale. Exhale. Exhale. Brisa, Brisa, Brisa and excel to roll down cause you're doing so well.

I'll give you a little neck straight shot. Okay, one more. Inhale and be kind to your clients. People Inhale and exhale, articulate down. Great work. You're going to extend your legs out ahead of you so that your ankles are resting on the roller. We're going to do a roll up, lifting the arms up to 90 then back over the head without the ribs flaring. Lift the arms to 90 draw the Chin in and then exhale to roll up into your seated position. Good.

Inhale and exhale to roll back. Cool and cool. Bring the arms down to hip distance, then roll back all the way. Good stuff. We lift the arms, throw the chin to the chest. Exhale to roll up. Okay.

No. Nice maintaining the lumbar flection. Inhale and excel sinking back sync. Kick back, arms down and over here. Two more and we go in. How to lift the arms and the chest. Exhale. Can you bring your arms a little bit closer? That's perfect. Good.

Inhale, so risk in line with the shoulder joint and exhale to roll back. Roll and roll. Arms, bio, hips and back. Julia, last one, left the arms. Do 90 draw the chin. Use The abdominals and XL to roll up. All the way. Inhale. As you exhale, roll down, bend your knees, pull the Rola in towards your glutes, all the way on the floor.

Place one foot on the floor, and then the other foot. And we're going to do one pelvic call and place the roller just above the cock. Six inhale. Exhale, tilt the pelvis. Reach your hands away for me. Good. Gently holding onto the roller. Don't pull on the roller.

The hands are they just to assist you. We're going to XR. Lift your right leg bent off the floor. Keep it there, and then bring the left leg up off the floor, going into the spine to a supine in hell. Take the knees over to your right side. Exhale, draw your legs back to the center and inhale over lifting this female, lifting this hip so the knees stay stacked on top of each other and Xcel back to the same time. And inhale over to the side. Rotating in the waist XL. So this exercise is exactly the same as the thoracic rotation we did as a warm up just for the lower half of the body. Two more.

Inhale over, over. Use The obliques. Exhale, draw the legs back and one more over and we're going to add a little message the next time, Juliet. Exhale back. Inhale over to the right side, find that glutamine and then just circle your knees in and around and in and around. Good, and in and around. Reverse on that side. Good. So this is usually way all the oohs and ahs that feel so good. Carms and then come back to the same [inaudible] and let's just balance it out over towards me.

And we circle four times and three XL. And again, this is just a spot that you need to find in your body. Reverse two, three and for come back to the same time. I want you to pull your right side towards your chase, extend your left leg out ahead of you. And we're just going to have a nice thigh straight here. If you don't have someone assisting you, you can hold onto your knee, take a breath, pull the leg in more, but reach the straight leg out further away from you.

One more breath. Inhale and exhale, reach, reach, reach. Always pull the long lever in first before you swap around. Okay? Keep it [inaudible]. Two more inhales and exhale one more and exhale, bring that right leg in. Place one foot at a time on the floor. Please lift your hips up and then you're going to Xcel roll down, Juliet. Let's do that again. Breathing in and exhale, roll down. You've worked so hard on that articulation, darn late. Your body down and great job, right?

You can do one roll up to come into a seated position for me. Please. Inhale, exhale to roll up and we're going to go into a seated spinal articulation section where you can sit on top of the roller. It's great to release those hip flexes. Also those people with a tight hamstrings and the type packs. This is for you guys.

Flex your ankles and reach your arms ahead of you and you can actually open your legs, open your legs as wide as your mat, which is probably 60 centimeters. So we're going to inhale as you exhale, draw into your abdominals, lower your head and articulate your spine up and forward. Reach your hands in between the feet. Great. In healthy pose, Xcel roll back up. Think of your spine as little lego blocks that you stack. One on top of the air.

They inhale and exhale with the chin. Roll the body forward. Inhale and exhale, roll, stack, stack, stack, stack and tall. Three more. Inhale and Xcel. Resist your own body as you go into this flection to make the work always a little bit more challenging for yourself. And then we excel. Roll up, Rola Roya. Two more. Inhale and again, keeping the arms in.

Line your hands in line with your shoulders in hell to pose and exhale to roll back up and up and up. One more. Inhale, press into me. Giulia. Press into me and excel. Lower the chin rolling down, rolling down, keeping the shoulders away from the ears in Hell and excel. Articulate, articulate, and sit up tall. Great job from here. Reach your arms out into a t position.

Add docked your legs for me. Make sure your arms are not behind your body. Yes, exactly right in line with your shoulders sitting up tall. And again, if you can't straight your legs here or you feel the hips are gripping, pain the knees. Okay, take a deep breath. Inhale double XL to your right side and inhale sainter and excel. Rotate, rotate. Inhale, beautiful alignment.

Giulia Xcel. Exhale, inhale, and exhale. Think of your spine and the abdominals around your spine, ringing out a WIC Tel and three more. And exhale, Xcel Stang on-center. Two more. Rotate, rotate and serve taller. One more exhale, XL and sinter.

Bring the arms down, open the legs, abduct the legs. We're going bend the knees and we're going to go into the sauce. So Ben Johnny's rights up so that your feet are flat on the floor this time. So this is just a variation for the super type people. And again, if you can execute the exercise correctly with your legs extended and your ankles Dorsi flakes, go ahead and do that variation. Extend your arms out to your side. We're going to inhale, rotate your right side. Bring the arms across.

XL reached to the outset of that right knee, keeping your head in line with your spine. Julie, I think this body's got a little bit more. Thank you. Then on the in-breath, extend the body back up. Bring the arms into the t. Then the body rotates in. How? Over to the left side. Arms across XL reached on. Ilan, can you see how she's keeping the curve of the line in hair? Lift up and arms back to the center and rotate and arms across and reach. Reach, reach, reach and bring the body rate.

Bring the arms to the tee and then rotate the body back and rotate the body arms across. Reaching down, slicing off the outside of the toe. And Inhale, lift up, lift up, lift up, arms across and seem to two more. And we go. Inhale and Xcel reach. This palm is facing in brace into my hand. Great work. Extend the body and bring the arms and back to the center.

Last one and rotate arms across. Reach down. Lift your body back up. On-Center arms to the tee and back to the same [inaudible]. Great work guys. Lower the arms down for me. Julian, you're going to bring your body into the mermaid position, so you're going to sit sideways. Okay, let's move you up a little bit just because your body is going to move and we're going to do the mermaid seated with the foam roller.

So on the inhale, reach your body away, pressing the roller out to the side. The roller moves towards your forearm on the Xcel. Scoop the arm around. Rotate the torso down. Place both your forearms on top of the roller. Go into a further straight as you push the Barola away.

Allow your body to stretch. Let go of the shoulders a little bit, but then pull the shoulders back, bring the arm back and in excel and duct and set up tall. And again, inhale and obliques work here. Work the old leaks and brace the roll it down. Draw the scaps back. Bring the arm to the t and great alignment with that. Nick, Juliet.

Two more. That makes me really happy. Keeping the head in line with the spine and reach down. Avoiding injuries, longevity for our bodies. Juliet, marina, arm back, and then draw up. And one more. Last one and we go in hell and XL reach.

This is your last one. Make it the best one. Enjoy the street. You can feel where you needed most. Draw the scabs and reach the arm and then exhale up and over. Great work leads to the other side. We'll just move you down a little bit so you stay on the beans a little bit more. [inaudible] there we go. Great.

Thank you. And we go in help raceway Xcel scoop around, place the forearm down straight. Further, draw the scaps. Bring the arms back and draw into that lat nice work. And we go three more. Inhale, use the obliques to pull the body around. Pull the body around. Inhale, arm back.

Okay. Sorry. Yeah, I'm too fast for you. And we do two more. Inhale, reach, Xcel, scoop, scoop, scoop, scoop and reach forward. Just allow the head there we go. And scaps back onto the tee and pull up and up. One more and inhale and exhale and brace it out and scaps back, um, into the t and pull yourself up all the way.

So before we go into our back extension, we're going to do a bit of a full body integration. So I'd like you to flip yourself over so that your ankles are on the roller hands that side. Okay. Okay, so again, our set up is key. Make sure the shoulder, elbow and wrist is in line with each other. Yeah, and they hate it is in line with his spine.

You're going to main maintain this beautiful neutral spine as you breathe in on the Xcel. Just hover both knees up off the floor. We're going to hold the chair, Julia. We're going to breathe in on the XL. Draw pubic bone to nose and bring your pelvis into a posterior itself. Good work in how neutral a game XL, drill and neutral. Three more XL. Beautiful shoulder stability.

Back to the neutral and two more. You keep going, Julio. One more. And if this is all new to you, you just hold that and have a balance without the pelvis moving. It's just as good and XL. This is your last one to the neutral. Pause and hold. Lower the knees down. Give your body a break. Take a deep breath.

Inhale and on the XL, lift it up again. Hover and hold. Maintain the stability in this posture we inhale. See if you can challenge yourself by hovering your right leg up without the hips dropping. So the obliques are working. The upper girdle is working. Place the leg down. Good work, Giulia, and the left leg left up. This is the same as the exercise you did lying on your back and lifting the one leg up and down right and place the leg down and lower your knees down.

I'm going to remove the roller and you can sit into your rest position for a split second before we finish off with your back extension. Great work, right. Take a deep breath on the excel. Just reach your body forward into that prone position where you bring your hands on top of the roller. And this time we are going to rotate the palms out so that we can teach our shoulders to move into the rotation.

We're going to start where the inhale, so stay here for a second. Inhale and just be exhale this time. Engage your abdominals on the in-breath. Rotate the arms so that your palms press up to the ceiling. Working through this back and in excel to lower down, reaching out ahead of you. Can you bring your arms a bit closer to each other?

Good, and we go again. Inhale, rotate. Present the palms up, up, up, pressing down into the roller. Then exhale, lower and rotate. We'll do three more and we go. Inhale. Inhale, keeping us level ropes and exhale, lift the abdominals as you roll down. Good. Two more and it's see the core of the spine work as you brace into your spine.

Beautiful work, and exhale. Lower down. Last one, Julia, and we go. Inhale. Inhale. Just hold the chair again. Look at the beautiful alignment of the spine and if you feel like a challenge, we're not going to do it today. You can maintain the extension and hover one arm at a time of the roller as a variation and excel roll forward down.

Bring your hands underneath your shoulders, press yourself back into your child's pose. You raised position, and we've just got to have a little stretch. Breathing in and exhale. Inhale, exhale. Not pressing too hard, making sure that you get both sides of the spine for a little feel good and thank you to your client.

Taking a deep breath and as you exhale, roll your spine back up into the seated position. Thank you for joining us. We hope to see you soon.


1 person likes this.
great class, thank you :)
2 people like this.
loved every second of this.
1 person likes this.
Great class thank you. Some new ideas for my foam roller workouts!
2 people like this.
Nice class, though it's aimed at teachers rather than students... I had nobody to move the roller for me or to finally massage me with it, but good class nonetheless :)
1 person likes this.
Really enjoyed this class ! Thank you
1 person likes this.
Very nice class... And it was so nice seeing Julia executing the exercices!!
2 people like this.
Really enjoyed the class - loving working with the foam roller for fascial release. Excellent!
Jane M
1 person likes this.
I was given a roller and instruction book a year ago and didn't actually appreciate its value. My massage person suggested a foam roller and the M & W exercise for me to do. This brought me to your class with the foam roller. I really enjoyed your presentation and am starting to understand the roller value!
Tash Barnard
Hi Jane - thank you for the feedback! I am delighted that you've found a good relationship with your FR - happy rolling, and stabilising - Tash
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