Class #471

Squeeze the Juice Out

50 min - Class


"Squeeze the juice out of each exercise." Monica sets the intention to focus on the goal of each exercise as a way to challenge yourself and improve your technique. The class is filled with motivating cues and detail throughout.
What You'll Need: Mat

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Jun 27, 2011
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Well, good morning. How are you guys today? All right, good. Well, I wanted to really squeeze the juice out of each exercise today. So, um, Aaron's like, okay, so, um, we're going to work focusing on goals, like what's the goal of each exercise and trying to really get to that goal. Cause that's the way, if you have a picture of it in your mind and you keep challenging yourself, don't be too hard on yourself that you're not at that goal. You're just always wanting to work towards a vision. All right? So let's start off with a nice palati stance, heels together and toes apart.

But I know both of you really like to challenge yourself. So this is a great way to, to challenge yourself and to still enjoy your workout. So let's go ahead and put one arm on top of the other and really, really feel the powerhouse. Not just pull in, but pull up as if it's like on a, um, elevator going up underneath your chest bone or underneath your sternum. Bring your shoulders just a little bit more in front of your hip bones because you actually want to lean forward on the balls of your feet, like have the ball, her effect, have your weight on the balls of your feet. Wonderful. And I think you could also just a tiny bit more lean and just really feel that nice lift in your powerhouse so your energy is going out the crown of your head.

All right, we're going to put one foot behind the other and let's start off in front of the other. Sorry, either one. Let's start off with the goal of the sit, which is to sit down really quietly with a nice pulled in powerhouse. Let's go ahead and lower ourselves down. Try to keep your tailbone pulled under. There you go. Wonderful looking good. Let's put our hands back in the middle of the mat. Lift ourselves back and then stretch out long.

Just go ahead and reach out through those fingertips. Lengthening there. Good. Do you have enough frame there you think? Probably not. Let's scoot you down just a little bit more. Perfect. That works for me. Good. And just really enjoy a stretch pull. Take a big breath, and exhale. Drop your ribs down into the mat.

Really feel the bottom of your shoulder blades down and just enjoy a good stretch. Good. And now inhale, bring your arms up and reach him just down by your side and just going to straighten you out. Hold the neck just a little bit more like that. Good. And I'll go ahead and stretch you out. Take a big breath and exhale. Drop your ribs away from me. Really get the bottom of the shoulder blades that is beautiful and feel that nice stretch. And that's what I want you to feel in the roll up. Another exercise today to inhale, bring the arms up and then exhale, bring them down up. Go ahead and just keep them down by your side. Nice, good.

And I'm going to also get you to feel your legs from your powerhouse. So taking a big breath, Xcel pool in your belly, let your back lower back. Really go down, pulling against me so you feel your belly pulling in and up. Your legs are always lengthening away from your powerhouse. Super important in this exercise.

Instead of they're always going to be wanting to be long and loose and not gripping. You want to feel your belly pooling, almost like you could do traction with those legs. All right, let's hug those knees into your chest. Bring the weight of your head up. We're going to think about the hundred, but to start off, I want you to pull the knees all the way into your ears. Good hands on your ankles. Good. I want the legs right up to the ceiling to start. So legs right on up, loose and long. Pilati stance arms reaching by your side. And let's start in with the air and exhale.

Good, nice strong pumps. So your goal here is to have the powerhouse in and up really in and up and reaching the legs long away from that lower back and keep the palati stance so you can engage the tush. There we go. Good. And now we're going to start working towards our goal, which is if you can keep the belly in and up, the lower back flat, keep lowering the legs until eye level is the goal. Never look, be really truthful with your powerhouse. Is it rising up like a loaf of bread in the oven? We ought to keep it scooped as if I took an ice cream scooper and just scooped it out. So we're working towards eye level. Again, you're working towards that.

Don't go there if you can't, but you're having that vision in your mind. You're challenging yourself. How far can I go? Let's do one more set. Big breath, big exhale and lower the legs completely and reach your arms up and back. We're going to get ready for the roller. The roller is rolling up one bone at a time and you know this case, we have 36 bones in our back and our spine.

Do not lift them up as if they're all fuse together. Really articulate and it'd be nice if you rolled them up and down in a straight line too. That would be helpful. So arms up just the head now. So arms first, just the head then comes up all the way to see if you can get your head between your arms, ears between your arms. Good, good, good. Now one bone. The next bone, the next bone, one bone at a time. Good. Keep it going. Keep curling into yourself.

That helps keep your energy coming this way. Good. When you stretch forward, keep the hip bones over your sit bones and reach your palms next to your feet on the mat and take the crown of your head all the way to your feet. Really, really lengthen for that stretch there. Good. Let me give you a little stretch here. Stretch, stretch, stretch, stretch. Good. Now we're going to roll back as if you're dragging back a huge weight again. We're going to roll down one bone at a time. Feel one bone at a time in that lower back, in that middle, back in that upper back. Once your shoulder blades hit, lengthen up more to the ceiling and reach back. Alright, one more slow temple like that arms. So let's start that one more time.

Lay down. So bring the arms all the way up to the ceiling. Now lift your head. There you go, Aaron. You got it. And now, one bone at a time, maybe a little faster than the one before. Hipbones over sip months. As you stretch forward long necks and now pull back a heavyweight with your powerhouse to really lengthen the lower back away from you to get the one bone, the next bone. Good. We're going to do five more to tempo now. Here we go. Arms head, roll it up all the way forward and you go with your breath. Inhale to start the roll back. Exhale all the way back.

You're ready for an inhale coming up. Exhale all the way forward. Inhale, start rolling back. Good. You're getting the rhythm. Exhaling and three more. Now really concentrate one bone at a time. I see you guys still grouping and like your lower back, your middle back, your upper back. We got 36 bones. Peel up one at a time at that tempo. Better.

Good. Keep your neck long and rolling back. So you want the back of the neck to really stretch? Yes. And reaching back again. Arms head and curl it up. Come on one bone at a time. Keep the hip bones over your sit bones and roll back one bone at a time.

You're in a straight line. There we go. Nice. All right. Get back onto your mat and I want you, we're going to go into single leg circles, so we're going to do one slow. We're going to draw the belly in and bring the right knee into your chest. Good. All right, so the whole goal of single leg circles is to keep your body perfectly square. That is going to really show you in your hips, not circling your hips and not hiking your right hip.

Both of you have your right hip, a little hiked up. When you pull in that knee, it's hard to not hike up that hip, extend that leg up to the ceiling. Usually you'll have to turn out that leg. So we're going to lower it just a little bit more. Turn it out so that it stays, and we're pretty tight today so you can just bend this knee so you can get more out of it. Okay. All right. So pull that leg up towards you. Give yourself a good stretch. Bring that right. Like I'm sorry you're, I love it. You're using your powerhouse, but use your hands for right now. Good. You get a good stretch. All right.

Now we're going to rest our arms buyer side and we're going to do one slow on talking about the goal. So we're going to use our powerhouse to bring the leg all the way up to your nose. Imagine you're doing the splits, then we're going to use your powerhouse to cross over to your opposite shoulder. Really important. This is the most important part is the nose and the shoulder. Now with your lower back, super flat and hips square, reach all the way down for your ankle. Woo like that. And then you're going to, if you can, keep the opposite hip down.

Open up as wide as you can. Once it starts going, you can't go anymore and right back up to your nose. Those are your points. Ready? Five times. Here we go. Cross around. Lift crust around, lift, cross around, up, cross around. Lift one more. Cross around, lift. Reverse down, around, up. I'd still bend this knee down around [inaudible] and pull it up and down around.

Really pull it up. Turned out as you pull it up. Turn it out. There we go. One more and bend that knee in. Good and bring that leg down cause the most important part, we're going to bend this knee for you, um, or you're going to keep it straight. The most important part, and I'll help you feel it. So you're going to stretch. You can still work towards the goal for sure.

The most important part is the nose and shoulders. So with this leg turned out, I'm going to help you feel that you're going to pull it up towards your nose and with this hip like this, reaching a lot away from you. You cross, this is a big stretch and a really leans out the fi and then you're going to go as low as you can and pull it back up. But if you allow this to turn you no longer get any of that hip work that you want to get the long lean thigh. Okay? All right, so here we go. We're going to pull it up to that nose, cross and round. Pull it up and crusts around. Up lift highs. You cross scooping that belly more. There we go. No movement. Those hips. Right?

One more time. Up around and reverse around. Sweep it up, down around. Sweep it up, hitting that shoulder. There we go. Two more. I love it. One more time. Reaching. All right. Bend in that knee and hug it in. Put the leg down. Roll up with your powerhouse to do the roll up. I mean the rolling like a ball.

Lift your bottoms forward to the front edge. Good. All right, we're going to work towards our goal here. So we're going to put your hands under your knees for a moment and really have a nice round, lower back and really relaxed shoulders. Good. So pull your powerhouse away from me a little more. Oh yeah, that's it. You want relax. Legs. Relax. Shoulders. The only thing that's tight is your powerhouse. I want you actually to pull away more. Create more distance here. Yup.

This is where, just warming it up. Scoop, scoop, scoop. Everyone see your scoop belly when you roll back up, you have to have it like that. So here we go. We're just going to roll back, massaging each bone. Exhale, hold it up. Let's do one more without rocking that lower back forward. Roll back and just relax. Let your belly hold you. Good. If you felt you could do that easily, then pull your heels closer to your seat and grab onto your ankles. Good.

And if not, stay there. It's awesome. And rolling back. We'll roll through and pull it up. Good. One more like that. Rolling back and up. All right. That didn't feel so hard. Let's work more. We're going to cross your right hand. Nope, not your ankle, but your right hand. Yes. And grab the wrist. Perfect. Now I want your ears between your knees. Nice. Can you drop?

Open your shoulders. Beautiful. Alright, inhale, massage each bone down and exhale with energy. You want really good tempo here. Massage down. Exhale, lift. Perfect massage down. Exhale, lift. Inhale. Touch those knees to the mat behind you and exhale up. One more time. Lift that seat and come right back up. Tight, tight, tight, and lower the feet down. Good job. That is great.

Put your hands behind you. Lift your bottom up and back. And we're going to get ready for the series of five. Oh yeah, lie on down. Stretch on down. Good. All right, so a huge thing in the series of five when you do single leg stretch is how much can you use your belly, your powerhouse to scoop in and up to bring that thigh onto your chest and that knee into your ear. I want you to think about your ear while the other one's lengthening your lower back away. Okay? So bend both knees into your chest for a moment. Grab both ankles, lift your head up as if it can. Tuck between your ears here.

Again, like rolling like ball. You just did that, right? So that's how tight you are. Now keep your right leg and extend the left one is long and low as you can and put your left hand on your knee. Very good. Aaron, lift your elbows up so your triceps. Get some work too. So now think about scooping in that belly and thinking about touching that ear. Not your ear to the knee, but your knee to the ear.

This leg is not holding with your quad, but reaching long and loose. There you go. From your powerhouse, pulled any and more into your ear and switch, pulling into your ear and switch. Keep your body square and switch, pulling it in and from the stomach. You could do it all day long with your legs. Pull it in with your belly. Good. Now reach longer. Touch the end of that room. There you go.

Pull it in and a little quicker, right and left. Watch your shoulders right and left. One more set right and left. Bend both knees in and I want your arms and legs to go straight up to the ceiling. Right on up. And now bend the knees. Is the arm circle back. Okay, there you go. That's all right. Straight up to the ceiling. Bend the knees in as the arm. Circle back to the ankles.

Pull them again all the way back to the ears. Good. Now make it a little bit more open. Bring me your hands here all the way. Perfect. And scoop it in. I'd like to see more of a scoop when those legs go out. Reach here. Good. And then scoop it in. Now make it as low as you can.

Eye level with those legs and in, yeah, behold the stretch I level with those legs. I let hold, hold, reach, reach, reach, reach. And now pull it together. Inhale, reach out those fingertips out those doughs and exhale and inhale, reach pulling the belly and wait for me. Beautiful. One more time. Arms are going to go right by your ears. There you go. And pull it in. Nice. Rest your head for a moment. Very good. We're going to do single, straight leg and double straight leg and Chris cross. I like both legs up, lift up your head and crawl up behind your right leg. Good. All the way to your ankle. Good. You're going to try to reach all the way down to the floor. Relax the knee, good and the foot and work from the seat. Go down, down, down this leg as close to your ear as possible. Again, you're splitting.

Bring that leg closer to you. More, more, more [inaudible] and switch. Left. Good, right, good. Touch the bottom of your shoulder blades. [inaudible] and pull the leg to you. It's more important than like to you than the leg going down. Can you keep these down and now keep that, the leg going down higher. I don't want to go on so low. There you go.

So you pull up to you pull up cause look at your belly. I bet you could scoot more. Scoop it in. There you go. Scooping it. Scoop right, left, right, left. One more. Set. Good. Both legs, up, hands behind your head. No lacing of fingers. One arm on hand on top of the other. There you go. Good. Reaching along those legs. Turn them out and you're going to drop it down the legs as low as you can and pull up and low, low, low, low and pull them up.

Don't forget your reach up to the ceiling out to the other side and pull them up. Elbows pressing wide, wide, wide and pull them out and in with the air. And exhale. One more. Inhale, reach and exhale. Good. Bend the right knee and Chris, cross over to it. Yes, hold it there. The left leg is going down. This one's all the way into your ear and pull back that right elbow more and more and more and more. And switch drawed in from here. I love it. Touch the inside of your knee and switch. Now really work on the goal. Straight line from this elbow all the way to your left toe.

[inaudible] and switch. Pulling up higher to that knee. Straight line from left elbow to your right to one more set. Scooping in. Can we get that pullback? Pulling back more and more and more and more. There we go. And last time to the left. Pull in that knee for me. Scooping your belly to pull the left knee. Where's lefty? It's in. It's in.

It's in and hugging those knees. Good job. Very, very good. How are we doing over here? Right? Glad I was over there. Sit on. We're going to do spine stretch forward over here. Roll on up to us the seated position. All right. All right.

You're going to open your legs a little wider than shoulder width apart about three inches wider, so your feet might be off the mat. Good. And now really check your posture in that mirror over there. Straight, straight, straight, nice and tall arms, reaching out how the toes flexed. Good. And I want you to be so tall that you're going to squeeze up off your bottom as if you're on a bed of nails and you don't want to get prepped. So up you go. Can't grow any taller.

Now keep that space between each vertebra as you exhale down, touch the crown of your head to the mat. So what's the goal here? To touch the crown of your head to the mat and inhale all the way up, stacking your spine, one vertebrae at a time, and exhale all way down. So not too, it is a challenging goal just to get the crown of the head down to the mat and inhaling up. But it's not just to the mat, exhaling down, but it's to the mat between your thighs. So you really occurring into yourself and inhaling up and we're going to do two more. So I'm going to stand right here and exhale and I want you to try to get curl into yourself and touch the crown of your head down down in front of me. Yeah.

Instead of touching me. Inhaling up and for you the one, the last one answer. I'm going to stand right here at your knees and exhale, lift through your powerhouse so you can get down closer into you. Curling into you. There we go. Scaling up. That's a nice stretch and relax. Okay. Prepare for open like rocker. You're going to pull back in the powerhouse and we're going to, if you can grab, I probably would grab behind your, your knees. Yeah, and for you, Aaron, grab on top of your ankles, but let's take our backs out of the equation.

Here. They are going to work. Your lower back is part of your powerhouse, but I want you to S I want to see more work in the powerhouse, so go ahead and balance, but use that stomachs. Scoop it in and up. Pull the ribs back. Just a hair from here. There you go. Excellent. And now extend both legs. Good. A little narrower. There we go. And you can walk up higher behind your calves. Yes. Good, good, good, good. Let's try to just relax all of that and just scoop, scoop, scoop.

And we're going to do six. Here we go. Inhale, rock back. Exhale, Rola. Good. Inhale, roll back. Exhale, roll up. Good. Keep it going. So first we want to make sure that we keep our arms straight in our legs straight. Good. And as we get stronger and more flexible, we're going to start crawling up higher and higher towards our ankles one day. Being able to grab all the way to our toes.

And one more time. Inhale, rolling back. And exhale up. Let's grab a little higher on this last one. There we go. Any old rule back? It's actually your upper stomach. Think about your upper stomach right here. You got it. Nice work. Squeeze your legs together and roll down away from those legs.

So leave the legs there. That's fine. And rest your arms down by your side. Give your thighs a break. Bend your knees into your chest. Good. You guys are both strong athletes, so your legs start to get really into it. So you're actually look fine. But I would scoot over just a hair that way so that you're more centered on the mat. There you go. Good. And I'm Tiffany. Come also.

Let's get a little more squared. Can't tell which side's more dominant, right? All right, rest your arms down by your side. Good. And we're going to corkscrew. So lift up the legs to a 90 degree angle. Good. You're going. The goal is to sweep all the way to your right all the way down to floor and all the way to the left and then come center. Okay. Actually bend your knees for one more moment cause I don't want you to cramp up.

So bend into your chest. So that's your first goal, right? Is to go as far right to the floor all the way down. Really enjoying and reaching around all the way left and come center. The second goal is to be able to lift up your seat and not your whole back. It's actually really hard to live from just the waistband down when you complete the circle. Okay? So that'll be our second time. And then the last one, I'm going to want you to try to lift every vertebra up.

So then you're going to lift all the backup. Okay. When we're doing advanced, we'll also work a twist in there, but we want to just go straight up for today. Okay? So first one, keeping your bottom down, but challenge yourself, anchor the belly into the mat and drop your legs as far right as you can, as far down as you can. As far left and center, I think you can go left further and all the way over to me down around and center. Beautiful. And to the right, adding a lift of gesture, bottom up and coming down to your left all around. And when you come center, live gesture, seat and down and now to your right all the way around. Lift your whole spine right on up. Good roll. Straight down through your spine all the way left, all the way down.

All the way, right? And all the way up. And roll it down. Very nice. Sit on up. Let those legs go down. You're coming up so it should look like a right. You're here at a right angle from corkscrew. And then you're just going to go ready for the saw.

So lie on your backs legs straight up. Keep your leg straight and use your stomach to sit right on up. As those legs go down, you come right up and now you open the legs and the arms and you're ready for soft. Beautiful. Look at that. It's seamless. Nice. And you're still working. Isn't that brilliant? All right, so we're going to twist to your right. You can drop your left arm behind you as you and now right here, check yourself.

Try to gab. Not too much energy, but make sure you feel both sit bones in the mat and that your hip bones are straight across. There you go. Now the ultimate goal here is to get the pinky sawing off your baby toe. So it's not appear, it's not down here, but it's your baby toe and you're squeezing the air out of your left long as you reach forward. So drop your head, take a big breath since we already did. And now exhale as you pull that rib into your lung and reach in two directions with those arms. And now roll up your spine with a big breath twist to your left XL saw off this toe as you reach and pull that right rib into your lung and inhaling up and twist and F hailing, yes.

And inhaling up. Now make it look beautiful and effortless as you twist an exhale and inhaling up and, and Xcel reaching both directions and inhaling up and twist and bullying that right ribbon to your lung and inhaling up and relax. Very nice. Good. Squeeze your legs together and flip over onto your stomach. Either way, yes like that. And you're going to be nice and long. So a straight line from your head to your toes and exactly your hands will be right under your shoulders. Actually. There we go. Good. And rest your head, Stan. All right, so super important here is that we don't cramp in our lower back. Okay.

We're going to do a back bend. So you don't want to feel like you're pushing your belly forward or your back forward because you're going to be going backwards doing a backbend, right? So start off by lifting the powerhouse in and up. Really lifting that belly up off the mat. It's going to go down. But make sure you feel like you can at least engage it right now and then use that stomach to lengthen your spine so much that you feel all your energy out the crown of your head and as if you have space between each vertebra and now you're going to start coming up with your head and chest.

Maintaining that space between each vertebra coming up. Come up as high as you can. You can straighten your arms, push up with your arms and straight. If you feels okay on your back, then think about your shoulders right here. Hold it. Shoulders do not move as we look as far right as we can. Really get a good neck stretch. Then bring that chin towards your chest, circle it to your left shoulder without moving those shoulders, and then look forward. And now look as far left as you can. Really stretch, stretch, stretch, stretch and chin to your chest all the way over the shoulder.

Try to look over at Aaron and then look forward and with lengthen the spine. Roll down, coming down, really stretching out long in two directions and we're going to come right back up. Here we go. Bone in and up. Then we're coming up as high as we can without aggravating that back. Looking over the left shoulder, this time, far, far, far. Chin to your chest. Circle to your right and look forward.

And now look to your right. Circling down. Great. Just a little bit more length as if you're pulling the mat behind you as you go forward. There you go. And now come on down, pulling this map behind you, reaching out the crown of your head. Beautiful. Come on up onto your elbows for single leg kick. You're going to come right on up. And they're going to be, we're going to make a little, um, push your knuckles together and bring the elbows a little bit more for it is a tricky position. We're going to come debts it and it's kinda hard to explain, but we want to feel your knuckles really pushing against each other. Push the form into the mat so you can feel the underarm muscles.

But the tough part is once you've got that, you don't want to bubble this up. You want to actually engage them, look up a little bit and push your sternum forward. Beautiful. Supporting the lower back with your stomach. You're going to lift both legs up as high as you can. Straight though. There you go. Nice Tiffany. And they're reaching long.

Can you make them any longer? Can you make them any straighter? So keep that left leg really reaching as you lift that right one high into your bottom for two kicks. You can lift a little bit more. There we go. One, two, switch. Lift two. Always thinking to get that thigh up. Knee up, right. Whoops. Right, too. Wow. I'll figure that out. But kick, kick. Nice. Keep supporting really long in one direction. One legs coming in again. Let's pick up the tempo to kick two. One, two, right? Two left. Two enough. Right cheek on your mat, right facial cheek.

There we go. And hands behind your back. All right, so now we're going to do the double leg kick. So do not throw away this stretch. It is so important and it actually, instead of lacing the perfect you knew at Aaron. So I want you to come up as high between your shoulder blades as you can bring those hands as high up. There you go. No and hold them like hold three fingers. Yeah, there we go. Good. Or four. Yeah, you don't have to. There we go. And now with your hands up as high as you can enjoy pushing your elbows into the mat. Everyone needs a good stretch like that. Right in Everett.

So you're trying to come up as high as you can and then pushing your elbows down. All right, lengthen down on the mat. There we go. So they're going to be all the way down for a big stretch, but you want to keep your hands up high. All right, lift those long legs. Do you feel your pelvis pressing into the mat? Good. Do you feel your knees up off the mat, heels together. I want you to bring those heels in three times to your seat. Kicking it in. One, two, three. Good.

Now press the legs down into the mat and lengthen the arms behind you. Keeping your hands together as you lift your head and chest. But lift really feel energy lifting up, up, up, up. There we go. And switch cheeks. All right, now Ben, we're going to do a nice quick rhythm. Here we go. Kicking in one, two, three and lift two, three and kick two three and lift, lift, lift and kick. Kick, kick and lift. Lift enough. Good. Round your back and sit towards your heels. Pretty nice.

So you're going to pull up good pool. Your tailbone under you. There we go. That's it. So you can get a good lower back. Stretch to high Sierra. Alright, flip on over. Yup. You got it. Just like a pink cake and come down a little bit more. So you're at the end of your mat, you'll need it. And this is your legs are going to be hip with the part cause we are going to do, um, and yeah, not your silhouette hip, but just your hip bone.

We're going to do neck pull, so we're going to lie on your back and we're going to build up to it towards our goal. We're going to S and you stay where it's challenging. So arms are going to be right by your side. Try to have your feet flexed. He goes, you're attempting to push your heels away like you're skidding on your heels from your seat. Okay? And we're gonna draw our head up using your powerhouse. Inhale as your head comes up and just sliding your hands all the way to your ankles. Roll up one bone at a time.

Beautiful until your head kisses your knees. So you're really, really round. Now inhale, sit up real tall. Stack up your spine. Arms are gonna say right by your side. Good real talk. Can you squeeze up off that seat? Push those heels away and now melt down one bone at a time. Head to your chest.

Yep. Push those heels away. Push him away. Push him away. Good. That's nice. One more, a little quicker. And with the air that sail again, one bone at a time. Make sure those lower vertebra, the middle of the lower ones aren't coming all the way up. Kiss the knees and how we roll up through a tall spine. And now exhale. Melt down one bone. As you push your heels away. Great hands.

If you want one hand over the other behind your head and your elbows can kiss each other. Okay, and we're going to curl into each other in with the air. Still peeling up one bone at a time. Inhale all the way up. Exhale. Kiss those knees in. How? Roll up tall. Opening your elbows really tall. Powerhouse in and up. Lift up that seat and now roll it down. Elbows kiss each other and curl it down.

Good again. Elbows kissing in with the air. Empty the lungs. Good. Push those heels away. Good. Inhale wool up. Opening those elbows. Tall, tall, tall energy out the crown of your head and exhale melted down. Sorry. Rolling it down. All right, next level. Keep those elbows wide and behind your ears and we're going to use that upper stomach to inhale, curl up, or you can keep your elbows kissing, but the goal is to elbows wide. Good in belt, and he'll sit up tall and keep those elbows wide as you go.

Curling down, curl, curl, curl. Another one like that. Inhale, elbows wide. Exhale, kissing your knees. Inhale, kiss your knees. Always inhale, sit up. Tall things, devotee, and exhale. Curl it down. Try to have one hand over the other if you can. Good. All right. Advancing it for the last time. Elbows stay wide. Any. I'll roll it up. Exhale.

Kiss those knees in house. Sit up tall and make sure your hands are cupping right under your head. Good. Because this is where the real neck pull comes. You pull on your neck on the way down, but I don't feel like you're pulling. You have, there's these two bones that you want to feel underneath. Right there.

There you go. So we're going to lift off your seat. Pull the belly in, up. Pull more into here for me. Press into me. There you go. And we're going to pull back tall. You're arching your lower back and [inaudible]. Push those heels away. Pull into your back more. There we go. So you're tall, tall, tall, and then curl down. Inhale up. Exhale, curl all the way forward. Inhale.

Sit up tall and stay tall as you lift off your seat and go back, back. Tall, tall, tall girl down. One more for good measure. Inhale. Exhale all the way forward. Oh yeah. Inhale, sit up tall and exhale. Pull into your lower back. More. Tiffany rounded almost. There you go. That's actually tall. And now curl the rest down. Perfect. Nice work. Nice for you to say. Okay.

Let's go ahead and lie on your side so that your back is towards this wall and you're going to face that way. Good elbow. I'm on this back corner. Good and hips back. We're going to do psychics. I should have just said that and then you would've gotten in perfect position, right? Lie this arm down. [inaudible] and rest your head on your hand at hand. Good. Bring your legs forward a little bit. There we go. In this hand right in front. Wonderful. All right, so your first goal on these, these um, put your left hand for you Aaron, right in front ice.

First goal is to really keep this hip stacked on this one and this shoulder right over the other shoulder, meaning that you're not going to rock it forward and back. Let's just talk about forward and back for now. Okay, so we're going to lift up that top leg a little bit, turning it out. I still feel like you guys are clenching a bit in those legs. So reach a little long reach. Almost. Try and make this top like always longer than your bottom one.

And we're going to just move your head at too much of a diagonal. There we go. That's it. Good. So we're going to keep this still while you smoothly move that leg, move it forward and take it back a little more rhythm. Got forward and back like a pendulum. Swoop back. No movement, right?

This shoulder's going forward and back and pull the ribs in more as you go back and use your glute more and pulling in good and forward and back and forward and back. Reaching long last time and back now. Legs together. Good. And kick that leg up to your ear and squeeze it down. So up. So what do you think here down this hip's not going to lift up this time and down. There you go. And and longer. Down and up and pulling in. One more. Don't push me over. Yeah, and down now. Nothing moves as you give me five tight little circle. Circle one, two more energy though. Come on. Challenge yourself and reverse and sweep it. One and two and three and four and five and good. Nice.

All right, let's do a little bicycle because I bet you you'd love that. So we're going to lift this leg up a little bit. Just don't hurt your knee and make sure it's right through to at hip level. Take that leg as forward as you can. Stay with me on these. Stay really long to get forward. Use your belly forward forward now.

Get your thigh onto your chest as you bend your knee and keep your knee really bent. See how it's dropping. Keep it up a little bit and we're going to keep your heel on your bottom as you take. Need any good? And now keeping your heel on your bottom. Take that leg as far back as you can. Heel on bottom for me, Aaron. Take that fi heel to your seat. You got it. Take that five back more. Can you get your heel on your bottom anymore? [inaudible] that's good to know.

And now keeping your thigh back. Extend. Extend from there. Go, go, go. Nice. And sweep it forward and bend the knee. Thigh to chest. Good. Relax that foot and taking it back. I'm not going to do it, but I want you to just keep going. Going, going back, back, back, back, back. And now with a thigh there, extend. Nice. And one more forward. This is what I want to see. Bend the knee, take that knee back without moving all this. Take that knee back.

Take that knee back. Do that knee back and extend legs together for the reversed. Squeeze it back and long. Toda yup. There you go. To your seat and knee to your chest and extend all the way up to your nose and back reaching long. Good job and pulling it back and need me.

Need a chest and extend and last time sweep it back and then toe, toe to your bottom. Good. Keeping the knee a little lower. Neither your knee, knee to chest annex, dad. Beautiful legs together. Nice job. All right. Swing your legs forward too. You can go to the other side if you want to swing it forward and just fly onto your yes and bring your feet. Good. Nice. Okay, good Bree almost and bring your feet forward to the front edge. There we go. Nice. Put the front hand in front of your stomach. It is a little kickstand and if you want challenge yourself more, make sure that your stomach is never touching that hand. Okay. It's always, there's always distance from there. There is now, but as you swing the leg, it makes it a little harder.

And then once we're super easy to keep these stamped and not rocking and rolling, then that hand goes behind the head and you try to keep but not, I'm sorry, put the hand. I'm all the way. Yes. Good. And you're like pushing into it just like you did a neck pool. That's the idea right here. So for a little while we use that bottom hand is kind of a rest, but eventually we want it like neck. Put one hand over the other and pushing into both of them with your head.

Now you feel that posture work too, right? All right. Yeah, exactly. So let's do five like this and then if you want you can try that other part. All right, we're going to lift that leg up and hip level and like a pendulum sweep forward and sweep it back and sweep it forward. Try to have a little turned out and back and really reach all the way through the soft toes forward and back. And it think of a clock. Can it again, it's talk.

You got it forward, reached long and forward if you want, but your hand behind your head, good forward and back. No energy in that toe. One more forward and back. Good likes together, pushing it up without moving that hip up and squeezed down. Good up and squeeze up a little more energy on that. Come on, push me down. You don't just squeeze down up and old thousand pounds up and now reach for me here up [inaudible] and stay there and five little if we're going to stay down or we're going to do five little circles. Circling. One, two, three, four, five, reverse it. One, two, three, four, five. All right, go ahead and lie on your backs, right on your backs. Yup. Huh. Thank you.

See, I'm like, what's wrong? What's wrong with this? All right, we're going to lifting up that leg. Good. And we're going to kick it all the way forward. Come on, pull it up and that knee into your chest and take that knee back and back and back and extend from there. There we go. That was me. It's throwing off your balance. So forward, knee to chest. Take that knee back as far as you can.

And then extend from there looking good and forward. Use your powerhouse. Needy your chest. Take that knee back. Really stretch that thigh and extend and hold the legs together. Just three. And then we reverse it. And use your hamstring and glute toe to your head. Needy or chest. There we go. All the way to your chest. Yes.

Passing through an extent and going all the way back. So when you bend your knee here, I want you to think toe touching head and then need a knee. Need a chest and extend last time. All the way back. So that was what that cue was. And then need knee and the knee all the way. Stand extent, extent and legs together. Good job. All right.

Now you can lie on your back. Heads are great. You're doing good. Minimum emotion. So switching around the leg kicks pretty much kills me. But we're going to get more centered on the math. There you go. And why don't you go ahead and lift up your head and make sure your feet are in the center of the mat. Cause I could square you off, but then you'll feel crooked. There you go. Good. You got it. See?

All right, now we're going to hug your knees into your chest and go ahead and shake your legs out. Really shake. Those sides will extend the legs up and you want to shake them out. And we're going to be doing teaser one. Okay. All right. Just teaser one. I'm nice today hugging those knees, but with our goal in mind. Okay, so we want to be able to roll up, handle down with those legs, just reaching away from us. And the goal is to keep them at one level. So as you come up, they don't dip and they don't lift and as you down they don't dip and they don't left. Okay? So we're going to extend the legs up to the ceiling. Nice.

And really have that belly pulling in and up. I need to have my belly in and up and reach your arms long away from you. All the way back. Yeah. Good, good, good. And now your lower back might arch, but just keep your powerhouse solid as you lower your legs to a 45 degree angle with the floor and they're in Pilati stance a little bit lower for me, Tiffany. There you go. They don't move from there. Now we're going to roll up and touch your toes, keeping them right there.

Reach and arm and roll down. Just roll away from them. One more like that. Rolling up one bone at a time. Just like the roll up. A little more turnout in those feet for me. Good. So you can use your BOM and then rolling away right from those legs. Good. Let's do a little upper body stretch.

So we're going to come on up reaching for those toes that are right there. Keep your back right where it is as you live long your arms to the ceiling and now reaching away from. Keep them up and y'all roll away from those legs. One more like that up. Roll it up. Doing great Tiffany. Arms lift. Good. Now feel this energy. Keep it as you roll away. Scoop in that belly. Scoop and scoop in. And one more time.

Long feet. Relax. Come on up. You got it. Arms lift. Good. And now reach away from me. Take your powerhouse with you. Reaching, reaching, reaching. Awesome. Bend your knees into your chest. Very nice, strong work. The hardest thing is to make it look easy. And you've got the, I mean it is, it's like, Oh yeah, that was easy. Then. You know, you're really working. All right. Let's sit on up and we're going to do seals. Sit on up and we're going to drop your hands in between your legs for under, underneath your ankles. Good. Just like, so you get a really, really big pool. I'm sure some, um, there's reasoning, but um, I'm gonna want you to just grab right there.

Okay? Yep. I guess more just to not think so much about the grab because it's just so that you have loose feet. We want to clap an inch off the floor in front of you. Good. Good. Now Tiffany, make a nice C. curve her. Perfect. That's what you want to see.

A good C curve and you want to feel your abdominals. Hear your whole powerhouse. It's holding you stable while you loosely clap your feet three times and then you're going to roll back and see if you can hold it for three counts while you're back there. So you can clap an inch off the floor behind you. So roll back. Good. Hold it with your powerhouse. Try to find it. Relax your legs and clap, and then roll up balanced. Holding your powerhouse and clap. One, two, three, roll back. Hold it with your powerhouse and clap. Two, three. Good. Roll up. Good. And now it's really used that breath.

You're going to inhale. Roll back. Two, three. Exhale. Roll. Two, three. Inhale, roll back. Two, three. Exhale. Roll up. You have the inch off the floor in front of you. Really good. Inhale, roll back. How about the inch off the floor behind you? That's good. Now just lower the feet more. Oh, there you go. Two, three and roll up to three. That's okay. Good.

Stay there for me, Tiffany w roll up for me. Aaron, roll up. Good. And we're going to two more. Here we go. With rhythm. Inhale, roll back. Two, three, exhale. Roll up to three. Last one. Inhale, roll back. Let go of the feet. Cross the ankles. Exhale, roll all the way to a standing position. Walla, I knew you were there. Good. Turn around and face each other at the ends of your mats.

If we're going to do some pushups, palati stance deals together. Good. Reach your arms up. Good and keeping the weight on the [inaudible] balls of your feet. I'll stand about three inches behind you and you're going to rule off an imaginary wall. So rolling forward, head to your chest. Good. You're not going to push your bottom onto me, right? Yeah, because you're keeping forward. That's it. Good. Get your hands to the mat and walk out to a pushup position without swinging your bottom from side to side.

[inaudible] get into a good plank position and just stay there. That is beautiful, Aaron. Pretty good here. I just want you to squeeze the hips and keeping this here. Can you lower your hip pelvis more? Excellent. That's a little straighter. Can you see that and just a little more open here. Excellent.

Now using your stomach and your glutes just as much as your arms five times down, up one elbow. Scrape the sides too. Pulling up three good four looking strong last time. And now pull up in your powerhouse and walk back to your feet. That was looking really nice. No swinging hips. I love it. And rolling up, up, up, arms up to the ceiling and we'll do one more time. Perfect. And rolling off an imaginary wall. Scoop, scoop, leaning more on the balls of your feet, using your powerhouse.

I don't want to push you over and then walk out into that pushup position. Good. And down up one. Squeeze those hips down. Up to Dan, up three and four and five and pulling on up. Brandon, all up. Good. Head down, long back of the neck. Good Browning all the way up to reaching your arms up. I want you to exhale.

Turn your hands just slightly out and inhale as you pull in and up, pushing the earth away and exhale. Good. Now I just want you to actually just go with me and I just want you to bend your knees and just kind of swing your arms, bend your knees, relax. Good. Get kind of lowered to the floor. We traditionally ended up with some jobs, so I just want to end with three big jumps because you guys look a little stiff and you worked really hard on those goals. So you're going to bed, and on the count of three, I want you to jump as high as you can. So here we go. One, two, and want to jump. There you go. And get up there. Come on. I'm doing it with you too. There you go. One more.

Very, very good. You always want to end with that energy lifting in and up. So good job. Very good.


Elsabe D
Excellent class! Thx Monica!
good class.............................. ....................i had a month without doing anything so i really felt the squeeze the juice:)
Enjoyable cueing. I am going to have my husband try this one. He can watch the male participant!
Love this class, wonderful clarity and articulation on what the goals are and how to accomplish them
Thanks for the wonderful birthday present, Monica. Great class. Loved it.
Monica Wilson
So great to hear all the positive feedback! Thanks!

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