Class #5783

Criss Cross Flow

10 min - Class


Objective: Focus on rotation and obliques while carving into the lower abdominals, utilizing the straps to enhance the traditional Criss Cross series.

Important Cues: Maintain deep concentration throughout the flow, finding vigor and freedom in your movements. Create rhythm and energy in the Traditional Criss Cross series to set up a perfect transitional moment.

Recommended Springs: 1 spring, heavy or medium, for optimal resistance and challenge during this rotational flow.
What You'll Need: Reformer (No Box)

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Dec 05, 2024
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Hi, Maria. And we're gonna be working on a crisscross flow. Primary focus here is gonna be rotation and those obliques. Start with your machine on either heavy or a medium spring. We're gonna be facing the back. Scoot yourself in towards the shoulder blocks, but not too tight. Take one loop and place it up and over your knee and bring your 2 feet back to the headrest.

Your hands can be forward or your hands can be under your thigh Leone. And we're gonna roll ourselves back for 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 down to your ab curl. Notice the head and shoulders are not supported by the carriage. Bring one leg to tabletop and then your other leg to tabletop and recommit to that ab curl. 2 hands come behind the head.

Elbows are wide. We're gonna start just by curling the pelvis up off the mat. And we're doing that with an exhale, and I really want you to feel the pubic bone moving faster than your knees. So I am not asking you for a hip hinge. I am asking you to flex your lumbar spine, to get a little deeper into the lower part of the abdominals, keep the legs at tabletop. From here, the knee draws in, you twist over to that loaded knee, you come back center.

We're staying on that side. Twist to the loaded leg and back center. Fight to keep yourself lifted. Exhale as you turn. Inhale lift to center.

2 more. Exale to turn inhale to center. Last time, exhale to turn inhale to center. We're gonna rock and roll to come back up. Now the free leg is going against the shoulder blocks.

Bring your palm up on your knee. We're gonna do a little counter stretch. Lift the hips up. Open the chest reach so far back. That should feel delicious.

And lower down Leone more here. Nice big breath in fill the lungs with air and lower down. Back to two feet on the headrest. Hands behind the thighs or maybe forward, and we're rolling back for 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. Leone leg to tabletop The other leg to tabletop hands behind the head.

The loaded leg slides out and you exhale you draw it and maintain the height. Now I want you to be conscious of what you're doing with that loaded leg. I do not want you to lose tension. In fact, make the exercise as the leg goes out. Takes a lot of focus to keep that engagement in the lower abdominal and not just ride the carriage.

Last one here. And now we rotate to the free leg, twist, and come center, and lift and we twist the head rides the shape. We come center and lift. Fight to stay lifted. Do the best you can.

Not a job. That's gonna be perfect. Last one. Knees come in and rock and roll yourself up. Let's take that little wild thing stretch again. Inhale. Lift yourself up.

And lower down. And last time inhale lift, we're moving a little quicker now and all the way down. And now we're gonna change legs. So the other loop is coming up and over your knee. 2 feet 2. The headrest, bring yourself forward.

Grab behind the thighs or hands out and rolling back for 5. 4, 3, 2, and 1. One leg to tabletop, the other leg to tabletop, hands behind the head. We start from the top with that pelvic curl. Do not look for an action that's very big. Really rock and push the lower back into the mat while maintaining the height of the shoulder blades.

Strong exhale is always gonna help. And now we go to crisscross twist to the loaded leg. The leg goes center, but you're still working. Draw the knee into the chest. Lift as you come center.

Support the head with the hands and twist and back to center and draw the knee in tight. And center last time. And from here, we rock and roll up. And then the free leg goes against the shoulder blocks. The hand behind you into your wild thing on the second side, big breath in, and lower down.

And, again, a big, delicious inhale in. And lower down back to your setup for the rollback. Maybe you fix your outfit. Hands behind the thigh Leone, and we roll slowly down for 5, 4, 3, 2, one legs to tabletop. The hands are coming back behind the head.

The loaded leg slides out, and you draw it in. So there's no moment where you're resting. You're maintaining the tension on that leg. Do not rest as that leg goes out. And now we rotate to the free leg.

So we twist, we come center, and we lift. We twist across our axis and we come in and that free leg draws in closer to you and it goes back to tabletop. Closer to you back to tabletop. Last time, and a rock and roll to come up. The free leg goes against the shoulder blocks and that's come into that nice big stretch and lower down last time and lower down.

Let's remove that strap. And let's roll beautifully back one last time, rolling back, bring the legs to tabletop, and we're going into traditional crisscross. Reaching opposite elbow to knee. Now you did all that nice deep work with the machine. Here's a chance for you to get deep into your body in that same way.

And now let's start to begin to add some tempo. Inhaling for 2, exhaling for 2, inhale and exhale and inhale and exhale. Keep pushing for 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 rock and roll. And that's our crisscross series.


2 people like this.
Beautiful series, Maria. Loved this play on Reverse Abdominals, especially the addition of your counter wild thing stretch. Thank you, Maria, Tracey, and PA for creating this fabulous Pro Reformer series.

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