Class #5816

Dynamic Athletic Reformer

50 min - Class


Join Ed Botha for a dynamic, advanced Reformer class that ignites your lower body through challenging squats and lunges, while maintaining a focus on full-body integration and shoulder stability. This fiery session emphasizes balance exercises to keep you engaged and focused throughout, as Ed guides Tash Barnard through a series of movements that resonate with all practitioners. Prepare to burn and earn in this total body workout that promises to strengthen and challenge your entire physique, with a special emphasis on lower body conditioning.
What You'll Need: Reformer w/Box

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Hi. My name is Ed, and today I'm taking my dear friend and hot shot teacher Tash through an athletic reformer session that's probably a little bit more focused around the lower body. Alright. So, Tash, you ready to go? Let's do it. Alright. So, Tash, I'm gonna have you standing with your feet hip distance apart, and we're just gonna start with a couple of roll downs for me. So let's just get those arms really nice and long alongside the thighs. So we're gonna take a breath in to prepare. And on the exhale, Tasha is gonna start rolling down. Good. Just allowing the spine to be soft, bending the knees.

Great. And then Tash in this position here, we're keeping our scapula stable, and that's Botha be important through a lot of the classes where we keep the shoulder blades. So we're gonna start pressing up through the lumber now. It just relax, though, not too much more with the pelvis. And then just stack the spine straightening the legs. Beautiful. Good. So we'll go again, inhale, and exhale.

So Tasha is getting that beautiful stretch through the thoracic, softening the knee. So that's important because it is a lower body focused session. So anytime we can use the legs is gonna be good. So she's gonna take a breath in and exhale, and she's gonna start rolling up for me. Beautiful and straightening. And tall. Good. Alright. So, Tash, what we're gonna do is I'm gonna have you standing on the carriage of the reformer.

So just so you know, all the springs are attached, so the carriage is secure. What I'm gonna do is I'm gonna pop up the headrest and that you want to get it in a position where your client is gonna be comfortable with their feet, and so Tash is walking right up all the way as high as she can on that head rest. Good. So just be careful and wanna be safe. And then Tash, what I'm gonna do as an extra precaution is I'm gonna put a box down in the front for you. Alright? So what we're gonna do is we're gonna do the roll down again, Tash, So here you'll get a good stretch through the carbs, but what I want you to do now is lock out your legs.

Alright? So you'll often find, especially if people have recovering from the injuries, they struggle to get that real straightening through the back of the legs. So this is a great position to get that full straightening terminal knee extension. Okay? So we're gonna take a breath in, and Tasha is gonna roll down for me. And I'm curing Tasha to press through the insides of the ankles here. That's a good Oh, yeah. There we go.

And exhale to come up. Test, try straighten those legs for me. The whole time. The whole time. Yeah. This is Botha, a conventional roll down as you know it. This is really about lengthening the back the body and exhale. So for people who are tight in their necks, their backs, their hamstrings, the connect between the the calf and the back of the knee, or just the calves themselves, this is a great a great exercise and also prepares you for a lot of the squatting and lunging movements we might do later. Mhmm. In fact, guaranteed we'll do them later.

Okay. So let's go one more time for me, Tash. Good. Try to keep those legs straight. Yeah. There we go. Beautiful. Good. You could even encourage them to really draw up through the quadriceps. So tighten those thighs for me, Tash.

Good. And then exhale. Beautiful. That right one. The right one. Right one. Right one. Right one. Yes. Good.

And last one, please. Doing a great job. And on this last one, we'll just stay down for a sec, and you can hold on to the box and just have a little bit of a feel around and maybe find some area of tightness. Good. Straighten through that right one. Beautiful.

That's your tight leg there. And then exhale. Let's bring you back up. Great. Awesome. Yeah. Okay. So, Tash, we're gonna step the left leg up onto the box for me.

Alright? So what we're gonna do is we're gonna do a single leg calf raise. Alright? And it's great because we're gonna work into that deficit. So you're getting the stretch down at the bottom. So your arms, you can place them in a genie position or hands behind the Ed, wherever you're comfortable, and you're gonna use this leg for support. So as much as you need to, right? And so we're gonna start lifting up with a back heel. So you see her weight's coming slightly forward, which is absolutely fine, and then just controlling down all the way to the bottom. Good.

And 2. And 3. Great. And she's really trying to have consistent pressure through all the knuckles of the foot there. Yeah. It's good. Tash, we're gonna do three more times. Excellent. Beautiful. And awesome. And then all the way down. Great.

And then just safely change. So if you need to bring the arms down, you don't, which is good, and hands behind the head again. Mhmm. And it'll be interesting to see the difference in the 22 feet. You know, you pick these things up really quickly with these exercises. 1. Good. And 2. Good. Keep using the adductor on that left leg.

Yes. Yeah. So this one, we've Botha use a little bit little bit more in the thigh. Yeah. There we go. Well, this will be great. Beautiful. So I'm gonna call that 5, but I do count, like, every other Pilates teacher 1. And 2.

Good. If we do a little extra on this one, it won't go unappreciated. 3. And 4. Good. One more time. Please hash. And 5. And bring it down carefully. Good job. Alright.

Thank you, Tash. So, Tash, you can hop off the bed there for me. Awesome. And I'm just gonna remove the box. And then, Tash, I'm gonna have you line supine. And I'm gonna pop the headrest down for you. Let's just get that one.

There we go. So Tasha is lying on her back for me, please. And I'm gonna connect up some springs for the footwork. Not gonna go too heavy. I'm actually gonna have a pretty light, which would be 3 Ed, just on the on the regular gear here for me. Alright. So again, the idea here is not overload. Okay.

It's to get the length through the joints. Alright. So I've got her in a parallel position. And as she exhales, she's gonna straighten both legs and inhale as she glides back. And 2, and gliding back. 3. So we're gonna go for about ten times.

And 4 again using the inner thighs, 4, and 5, 6 good. Make sure you're using the left leg. And Good three more times. 1, and she's keeping her feet nice and still 2, so she's articulating on the ankle joint, which I really like. And then Tasha Botha come back in and then hold. Good. You can stay on the stopper.

So we're gonna go into our pelvic curl here. Alright? So she's gonna keep it, stay on the heels. She's gonna articulate. So use the abdominals going to your posterior tilt and just peeling up off the mat. So we get a little bit of stretch through the lumbar and then a bit of extension through the hips. Again, careful that we don't splay the legs. Yeah.

So this is a little bit more in a thigh and hamstring focused and release all the way back in. Good. So we'll do that again. So she's gonna exhale. She goes into her tilt. It adds it good. And I like that that she's using her arms. You can see that her arms are active here, and that helps to, you know, engaging the lats and exhale the deltoid posterior.

So It's really an all round body movement here and exhale. Good job, Tarsh. Beautiful. And take a breath in and exhale as we come back. And we'll release back into our neutral pelvis. Very good. So Tasha, we'll just do one single leg, pelvic pull on each leg.

Alright. So she's got her right leg up. So she's gonna exhale. So, again, she's focusing here on the extension of the hip. Good. Right? Cause we do want these hip extents as active for the movements coming along, not just the quadriceps and the Hammes, and then coming back down. So in particular, the glute maximus here, and down and we'll change to the other side.

So we'll go one more and exhale. Nice. Good. She's nice and stable here in the pelvis. Beautiful. And then coming back down. Nice work, Tash. Okay. So, Tash, we're gonna go straight to the toes. Alright. And then what we'll do on the toes is we're gonna do the regular footwork.

We'll do our ten And then we'll come back in, and then we'll go into the bottom lift and with extension. Alright? Okay. So we're gonna press out exhale and inhale. And to and in good, and 3. Beautiful. So she's keeping those heels consistent height. And 5. And again, that's the sign of good articulation at the ankle joint.

Four more times. A lot of snapping and cracking going on, which means she's loving this movement at the ankle joint. Good. Just do about 2 more. 1 and last one and press out And then we're gonna bring it back home. Tasha, from there, we're gonna try to keep the heels still, and we'll come up in the pelvic pull or the bottom lift position again. Okay. Full of splaying. Yes.

And then we're gonna press out with a carriage, almost straining the legs, soften the ankles just a little bit, and then gliding back in and floating, lifting the pelvis as you come in. Good. So we press out. And then as you're coming in, you're lifting, lifting, lifting, lifting, good. And pressing out and soften a little bit through the ankles. Good. And press out. And in softening through the ankles one more time and press out. Great. And gliding back in, we'll hold it over here.

Then we're gonna come down carefully. Good. And maybe just give the knees a little hug into your chest for a second. Good. So, Tash, we're gonna do the single leg version of that exercise. Right? But not the bottom lift. So we'll bottom lift up with both legs, and then we'll float one leg to tabletop.

You can decide which leg you move first, and then we're gonna extend. So I keep the resistance the same because if it's too light, The hamstrings will cramp in this exercise. Alright. So I'm just gonna go a little bit wider there. So we'll go up into our bottom lift. Good. Again, she's moving, pivoting around the ankle joints.

I'm not letting her lift her heal. Which is great. Now from here, Tas, she can bring one leg up for me. Good. And you can see this tabletop, it's relative to the mat, not to her body, which is correct. And then she's gonna press out with this right leg and gliding and then bring it to the stop air if you can. And 2 and in. And 3 and in for 1 more dash.

Last one. I promise there. 5, and she glides back in she's holds. Get the stopper for me. Bring it home. Yes. Good. And then we can change up over here. Just soften through the left ankle a little bit. That's good.

Yes. And press and a little bit of in a fire as well and 2 and in 3. Good. Beautiful. And for suffering a little bit. Last one, Tasha. Well, 5 good and then bring it back in. Good. And then foot back on on the stopper.

Soft ankles and then come back down all the way. Well done. And then hug the knees into your chest. Excellent. Okay. So, Tash, what you could do around do for me is turn around and have your feet on the Ed for me. So I'm Botha take you into a little bit of abdominal work. Alright.

So I'm just gonna bring the the foot bar down for a moment. So I've got Tash on one spring. So Tash, could you take the the straps and probably the long loops and loop them over your fives for me, please? Like, you're gonna go into the, knees and straps double leg and double leg with rotation. So if you haven't got the the long loops, it doesn't matter. You can go through the short loops as well. Just bear that in mind when you're choosing your resistance because it's gonna make it a little bit tighter. So, Tasha, yeah, so we're gonna roll down, and I want you in a chest lift position to be able to touch your fingers against the shoulder rest. So we'll just scoot you in a little bit closer.

So once you're in your chest lift position, we hold there beautiful. And then, Tasha, you're gonna bring both hands behind your head for me, and we're gonna keep the legs down for a sec. So we're gonna do 3 chest lifts. Alright? So you can just allow yourself to go back until you touch something. So there might be the wood. Yep. It might be the strap good, and then exhale as we come back up. Beautiful. So she's drawing in the abdominals and allowing that lower back to melt if she needs to.

So we take a breath in, and then we're gonna exhale as we go back down again. And exhale Good. And then back down. Good touch. We're gonna do one more and exhale. Beautiful. So attach, bring your hands behind your thighs. Just soften your elbows to get you a little higher, good still keeping wide across the shoulders.

And then we're gonna bring their hands behind your head again for me. And then both legs are gonna float up to the tabletop position. Yep. So the hip flexes get involved here. Alright. So we just don't wanna lose this distance that Tasha has created here. So she's gonna take the legs out inhale. So she's keeping it consistent and then exhale.

And she's gonna bring those knees try bringing them to the forehead. Oh, good. And inhale. And to bringing those knees all the way to the forehead or forward to the knees. That's it. I would take the knees any day over forward. And Excel come up, up, up, up, up, up, up, up, up, up, there we go. Good. So let's do three more times for me. One soften over here.

A little bit good. There. And 2 coming up a little bit higher. Beautiful touch one more time. And yes. Good. Hold there. Tash bring your hands under your thighs.

And bring your heels towards your backside. Alright. Now I think roll like a ball. So we're gonna slowly start coming up. So this is a kind of a play between pushing with your legs and pulling with your arms. And floating yourself up. Try keep the knees in if you can.

Yes. Hold there for me. Mhmm. Keep that position. So we're gonna go down again. So slowly melting back down. Melting back down.

Try keep the heels close to the backside, knees drawing in towards you, and pause over there. Good. Let's bring the legs in a little bit deeper. Let's roll up one more time. So she wants to keep the shape. It's a bit of a press with the legs.

Yes. Good. Doing great. Doing good. Really good practice for our teasers. And now from here, Tash, we'll keep it consistent together. We're gonna start melting your lower back, melting, bringing the thighs in with you. And we pause over here, good, hands behind the head, and it's our last one.

We're gonna go with rotation. So for the first one, keep the body still, the trunk. We'll just take the legs out, and then we'll rotate to my side as we exhale. And going right down the center of the carriage and inhale with an ease. And to let's check those straps there. Good. And inhale.

And 3. And inhale. Good. And 4. So wait for those legs to start moving. So I want you to come back to the center, get the legs out in the center hole there. And as the knees start drawing in, yeah, there we go. There we go.

There we go. We'll do one more like that on the other side. So find your center. So there might be this little pause here. Good. And then we draw, and it's all coming in together. Find that chest lift good. And then Tasha, you're gonna do one back to the center.

So we go there. Legs go out along. Draw both knees in as deep as you can. Sit chest up, forehead to knees, hands under the thighs. And then you can ball yourself up again. Up, up, up, up, up, up.

We got you. We got you. We got you. And beautiful. Okay. Great job. Alright, Tash. So let let's get you out.

Okay. So we're gonna go into some of the standing exercises. Alright? So we'll start with an exercise. So classically, it was called the Russian squat. So this is kind of my variations on them. Alright. So, Tash, I'm gonna have her on 1 red spring. I tend to go a little bit heavier, so I just gear it up slightly. So, Tash, do you mind standing on the carriage for me? Alright. So, obviously, I secure the carriage. And then, Tash, you can reach down, because I want people to be able to do this themselves.

So if you reach down and take your straps for me. Yeah. So from the back there, Beautiful. And then if you hold onto the straps, pretty short, so I'd go a little bit higher than the knots, right? Heels down, back up straight. Now, careful. As you stand up, the tension comes on. Good. Alright.

Now something that's so important through this whole series of exercise, are you comfortable there? Is keeping the scapula in a stable position. So I would recommend even retracting the scapula slightly. And the arms feel like they're short, okay, but the elbows are straight. So through the whole time, your arms feel short, but they're not pulling. Yeah?

Thank you. Okay. Awesome. So we're gonna go into a knee band or a squat as far as you feel comfortable. Alright? We're gonna go down bending the knees. So we're inhaling. So this obviously depends on our ankle flexibility.

Good. And up one. Perfect. Yeah. So go ahead and explore. So go a little lower if you can there. And 2. Yes. So keeping wide open across the collar bones, a little bit of abdominals, and 3 good. So she's doing a good job with her feet.

Good. Straightening through both legs. Beautiful. And good. So let's feel yeah. So that her rhomboids are active the whole time, a little bit of the lot. But like I said, I don't want her to go into shoulder extension. Yeah. Good.

Allowing the bicep to almost stretch out. So Short straight arms is the cue. That's it. Perfect. And fully straightening the knees every single time. Yes. Good, Tash.

How's it going? We're good. As I said, to 2 more would be awesome. And there. And good. Alright, Tash. Now we're gonna make a transition into a split squad variation of this. Alright. So I'll just tell you what you're gonna do before you start moving. So your right leg is gonna end up the foot will be on the headrest.

Alright? Your left leg's gonna be behind you. So you're gonna have more or less a triangle shape. And under here, I'm under the tension. So as I bend my knees into the split squat position here, obviously, the tension releases and the carriage move. So we can go down.

You always use the shoulder wrists for support. Alright. We're gonna stretch that leg behind you. Good. So Tasha, we will start from the bottom up. Yep. So we're floating. Beautiful. She keeps it nice and stable.

And, Tash, do myself and yourself a favor lower your knee. Oh, no, you were good. You were good. You were good. You were good. Let's just bring that back knee down a little lower. Yeah. Yeah. There we go. Just float. And the short, that that's the favor.

Alright. So from here, we'll start straightening up. And then as we bend, we're releasing the tension. Good and too great. And she's keeping a good connection here.

And very excellent. And wow. Good. And just by, you know, changing the angle of the spine, we could change the focus of the musculature. Tasha is in a very upright position, absolutely perfect, nice work on the quadriceps Right? If she had a little bit more of a lean, it would be a little bit more gluteals, but it does create a little bit more instability. So I'm gonna keep her as we are right now. So, Tasha, let's do another 2 more, please.

Are you good with that? I'm sure you're counting in your 1. Yeah. Working for the stretch. That's it. And, yeah, it's good.

Beautiful. Alright, Tash. So let's go all the way down. And awesome. Alright. So we're gonna change legs.

So Tasha, remember, you went from that very low, that bent over position. We found the upright So here, we're under a little bit less tension. The knee floats up. And then as we come up uh-huh. Yes. That's tension comes on. And Good.

Yes. Beautiful. Awesome. Good. And she's very even, again, through all the five knuckles of her feet. Mhmm. Tasha, I'm gonna say 5 more on the side.

And to just think of that lovely stretch coming up. Not yet, though. Good. Last 2. Short arms, short arms, short arms, then grumbled. One. Yeah. There we go.

Last one. Last one. Last one. Last one. An abdominals. And up. Good work. And then let's go down all the way.

Yes. Alright, Tasha. What we'll do, just a little bit of an in between, yeah, go down on both knees for me. Mhmm. Bring your knees to the shoulder rest. Mhmm. And just sitting back perfect and just have a little bit of a stretch back. And if you can reach back all the way with your hands to the platform, is that okay? So if your knees can handle this, mhmm, and then you can press your pelvis up and forward.

Just get a little bit of stretch through. Mhmm. And then we're gonna come down. We'll do another variation of that, Tash. You can if you come forward for me with your body and you're gonna step your left leg through the shoulder rest. Sitting back down on your heel again.

Yep. Take your hands behind you. Good. I'll bring this foot in a little bit closer, and I'll press your pelvis up and forward. So you can really just focus on the one quote. I assume that's your tight tight one over there. Good. So just be mindful that there's only one spring on here, so the carriage can move around a little bit. So just be careful for those of you doing this on your own.

But it shouldn't move there, and we'll press up. And so we're going into our stretch. Good. Nice to open up through the hips. Good. Think going posterior Beautiful. But we've just got another stretch coming, so don't worry.

We're not quite that good. Okay. So, Tash, we're gonna go into, we call this like a a dragon lunge. We used to do this when I used to do my or still do martial arts. Alright? But so what it's gonna look like is you're gonna have your right foot is gonna be on the edge of the carriage over here. So just pass the shoulder rest. This is a very wide carriage, which makes it quite nice. And then your left leg is gonna go behind you, and we're gonna start in the down position.

You put your hands on the shoulder rest. You get your straps again. Make your arms short, lift your spine up, and we're going up into this lunging position here. So what's nice about is you get a really good stretch of your glute when you go down, and then it has to work to bring you back up. Alright? So should we give it a try? Mhmm.

Good. And again, I'm I don't wanna get two hands on with the straps because I want people to be able to do this themselves. So if you were my client in this studio, I would give the full service, but not not today. Alright? Yeah, beautiful. So she's getting her attention, so go a little bit more Awesome. And so just make sure you can recover yourself from this position. So we're gonna slowly get you to come up to standing.

Uh-huh. Yes. And you see how the carriage moves forward. Are you comfortable with this foot there attached? Good. Looks good. So keep your eyes forward, scapular, retracted. That is so important for this.

Soon as you start losing, we start falling. So let's see if we can do 5 of these. Okay? So we're gonna go inhale as we go down and exhale. That's 1. Good. Add to 3. Beautiful. And the pelvis will rotate here. It's not Botha be perfectly square 4. So it all depends on the tightness of this gluteal.

And the quadrice hip of the back leg. Good. Beautiful touch. And then come down all the way and let the knee go down. Hands on the shoulder rest and then see if you can make a change. So you can change through all fours. Perfect. And then your leg, your right leg, you wanna get it as close to perpendicular to your front leg as possible.

So we don't want it to be to linear. So you really wanna get that rotation. Just careful. You don't step off the edge of the carriage. And, yeah, so it really puts me in that twisted position there. Cool. You wanna come up from there? So slowly.

Oh, yeah. Now we're talking. Good. And we go in. So you can see how she's diagonally across the carriage here. 2. I mean, she went pretty far, which is good. Yeah. Great. 3. I just concentrate on keeping this foot grounded.

Good. 2 more. 2 more. 2 more. 2 more. And one. Good. Last one. And two.

Beautiful. And then Tasha, let's bring it all the way down. Good. So go into, like, an all fours position there. Leg goes out. Awesome. You can slowly release and hook your straps.

Good job. Okay. Very good. Okay. So we got one more to do for the legs, but not in this position here. Alright. So we're gonna do, we're gonna call it the pistol squat prep, alright, or the, forward step down variation on the reformer.

So we have a similar exercise on the wonder chair. So, you know, again, it's just focusing on that single leg strength. So I'm gonna go onto a blue spring for Tash. So that's half a spring. For those of you at home. So what Tasha's gonna do is she is gonna use the foot bar and the standing platform, alright, together for her foot.

So it gives her a little bit of an angle. Alright? But you could do it just standing on the standing platform. It depends on how wide your foot is, or how long your foot is, or how wide the standing platform is. Okay. So Tasha steps up, beautiful. So you're gonna see how she places her foot, so her heel, is up against the foot bar. And really important that the foot bar feels like you've got traction and that you're gripping on there. Alright?

Then her right leg, she's gonna press against the carriage, and you can see it's just below the toes above the ball of the foot it's wedging in. Okay. Now, Tasha, let's bring the arms to the genie position here. And in this one, your spine will tip forward as much as you want. Alright? No problem. Last thing I just wanna tell everyone is, just remember, we are pushing and we are creating resistance with the spring. Alright? Generally, that's the easy phase.

It's coming back up. You've gotta watch out that we don't get catapulted, alright, but the spring is relatively light. Alright. So, Attash, we're gonna go for 5 of these. So we're gonna go pressing the carriage away. Beautiful. So she's got the abdominals engaged, and then we're gonna press back up, and you can see how she's using that little bit of a lean one. So that's getting a bit of work through the gluteals as well. And grateful knee stability to she's getting that knee over toe position 3, which we all know nowadays has become very popular with knee rehabilitation.

Excellent. Can you do 2 more? Mhmm. Let's go. Wonderful. Good control. And this leg by keeping that right leg really straight. Alright. It creates a really good connection between you and the carriage and the springs.

When that right leg starts getting a little bit wobbly, Okay. That's where you've Botha be careful. Okay. You can change. Good job. Alright. You take the bad card. There we go. So it's the calves.

Tasha's saying her calves are working hard, which is great. And you could always use a foam roller next to you or a pole. Yeah. Just make sure it's not on a slippery surface. So anything that can give you support, even the long box can give you a little bit of confidence if you just stack it next to your side. So here we go. So, Tash, she's pushing out, So her left leg is staying beautifully strongly and 1.

Good. 2. Alright. Good. Here we go. You've got this Very good. Last 2. So strong left leg.

Focus just on a spot in front of you. So it's all about the balance. And up. Ed. Last time. Beautiful. And all the way up.

Good job. Well done, Tasha, and then you can slowly come off there for me. Alright, Tasha. We're gonna do a really nice stretch for your quads right now and your hip flexes. You've earned it. Alright. So what I'm gonna do is I'm connecting all the springs on.

And, you know, there's a couple of ways that you can do this exercise. You could just use the foot bar. Alright. So I'm bringing the foot bar to a vertical position, or in the case of Tash, I'm gonna put a box between the foot bar and, the carriage. So it makes it a little bit shorter. You just get a little bit of a deeper stretch. Alright.

So this is a great hip flexor quadriceps stretch. So, Tash, if you can get yourself onto the carriage, and then your let's start with your right foot all the way at the end of the headrest. Alright? And then we're gonna slowly put weight on this left knee, and I'd love your left knee to slot itself right in against the box. Perfect. So Tasha can walk her hands onto her knee. Are you good there, Tasha? And now this is where we wanna start thinking of shortening. So we draw the abdominals in.

So you're going posterior. Some people might even benefit from activating the left gluteal a little bit. You feel how that gets the hip flexor. And then, of course, you're you're pressing yourself all the way back, which Tasha's already gone. She's closed that cap.

And we'll take 5 deep breaths. So inhale and exhale. What? Keeping the shortening. 2. For 3. For good. One more time, please, Tash. 5.

Great. And relaxants change. Alright. So just come out of it carefully. So you just, yeah, weight goes forward. Use the shoulder rest all the time for support and down. Good. And you could do the similar stretch. Obviously, you could see you could do this against the wall as well.

Alright? But then, yep, you do want a mat under your knee. Yeah. Man, And the importance of having this ability to flex the knee and release that quadriceps, obviously, it's gonna increase the chance of you using your hip extenses when you're doing exercises. But, yeah, Tasha's got good range here. So she keeps the abdominals drawing in rib cage is nice and soft here. So she's got that shortened position over there.

Just a couple more breaths there, Tasha. And beautiful. Okay, Tasha. So we'll get you off there for me, please. Awesome. Okay. So, Tasha, I'm just gonna put the box away. And what we'll do is we'll set you up. We're gonna do an up straight one. Yep.

So it's just something so we do a little bit of work on the upper body. So I'm gonna have you on a, maybe, a red on the yellow, but I'll go up on the higher gear for you. And we'll we'll see with this foot by if it's gives you enough space, and we might need to shorten it up. But, you know, the the idea of when we have the longer distance, it makes it harder for you to work and pull in, which is great. Okay. So Tash, she's gonna step. She's gonna put her heels up at the back.

So she, yeah, perfect. And I love the position. You can see the most important thing for me with Tash here is this line. Alright. So I'm not really looking at her legs at all. So her legs could be bent straight, but she's got this 180 degree of shoulder flexion.

Good. So rib cage is in. Now attached from there, we we're gonna push the carriage out, inhale push. And exhale pull. So we'll go a little bit faster in and 2. Good. In and 3 and in 4. Good.

For 5, and 6 are pressing, use those in the fives of it. 7 good. So she was just rolling with the ankles. 8, and 9, one more time. And then she brings it in whole there. Good Tasha. Now from here, without changing the angle of your arm, we're gonna pivot on the shoulder.

You're gonna lower yourself into a front support position. Yep. You're good with that spring. Tash, we're Botha bring you a little bit forward. Hold there. And now, Tash, would you be able to do 5 push ups for me there? Have you got enough support and 1?

And good keeping strong through the legs. 2, and good push up out of the shoulder blades here. 3. And for one more time for me, Tash, press up. Good. We're gonna glide back a little bit, and then we'll draw into our up stretch one position, bring it all the way in, and click beautiful. Alright, Tash. You can hop out there for me. Awesome. So I'm gonna put the short box on for us, and we'll do a little bit of the side over with rotation. Yes?

Okay. So I'm just gonna bring the foot pod down. Will connect all the springs on. Well, Tasha's getting the box for me. What's happening here? There we go. She's taking over. Great. Okay.

So Tasha will will start facing that way. First, So we're gonna hook in. And so what we're gonna look for is Tash, I'm gonna put your hand on the shoulder rest for me. Perfect. And you can see this foot is active. Alright? This is the most important part for her to feel safe is that this foot is active.

But her leg is straight, but I actually want you to kind of let go a little bit with this leg when we do the exercises, so to allow you to stretch. Alright? So we don't want you to start feeling like you're pulling with your leg to come up. Yep. Okay. So we're gonna put this hand behind the Ed, Awesome. And she's working in this beautiful coronal plane here. And on the inhaled Tasha, you're gonna come down.

So we'll have a stretch. We're gonna just do three regular. So she's Botha exhale and she comes up. So of course, we're holding with this oblique, but I want you to think about your bottom oblique task supporting you as we come up here. So just lift up a little bit through there too.

Good. Big stretch over. And then 3, and then hold, then put your hand down on the head rest, the shoulder rest again. Thank you. Good. Alright. So Tasha, we're gonna do with rotation.

Alright? So what I'm gonna do is I'm just gonna hook my leg over Tasha here. So that's gonna just help her with her pelvis to stay still. So as you come up into, from the lateral flexion into the neutral line, you're gonna just rotate and try look at me. Yep. Cool. So hand behind the Ed, beautiful. So we're gonna go down inhale as she goes down. Exhale as she comes up and she turns her shoulder to me.

Good and back. Let me see. She doesn't wanna make eye contact with me anymore. And, to, yeah, good. And coming back down. And exhale three nice touch last 2. And beautiful. 1 more.

1 more. 1 more up and rotate. Good. Then four arm down on the Ed. So four arm, and then just have a stretch over this way. Yep. Great. Burn to earn. Burn to earn. There we go.

Nothing for nothing. And then Tasha, you can do a rotation as well. So you can put one hand over here for me, the hand. And then before you twist, lift yourself up, get your rotation, and then slide your arms away. So it's a nice little detail just to deepen that stretch to lift yourself up first, get a bit of extension, get your maximum rotation, and then slide into it. Okay. Awesome.

Let's change. So we did 35. Mhmm. Good job. Alright. So Tasha, I'm gonna just come over to this end over here. So your hand is on that shoulder rest, right hand behind your head.

She's got her dorcey flexion. This is her security here. Alright. This, we actually wanna relax. Okay. The leg goes long hand behind the head and inhale. As we go down full stretch, exhale support from the bottom oblique 1. And inhale.

Too good. One more time. And you're only coming up into the long line and 3 good paws, hand on the shoulder rest. Just give it a second there. Alright. And then we're gonna do the rotation.

So for this one, I'll just put my hand on her pelvis, the top of her pelvis. Her hand goes behind the head touch. So we're gonna go down, and then you're gonna try and look behind you a little bit. One good and inhale. And Too good.

Full stretch. 3. And last two, exhale. Good. And one more time. The last one up and rotate the good back to the middle and stretch over. That's it. Perfect.

So we're getting the stretch here. Over here, we wanna open up Good. Tasha, we'll go hands on the frame, lift yourself up, extend your spine, get your maximum rotation, and then slide the arms all the way. Awesome. Okay. Good touch. So we're gonna come out, and we're gonna do an extension exercise. So we'll do a, you know, it's a pull up variation, great exercise for the shoulder blades, to find a little bit of depression and retraction of the scapsor we do need to do this exercise pretty light because you can end up slipping off the box. Okay.

So Tasha, you're gonna lie prone, chest off the edge, hands on the frame of the carriage. And then you're gonna walk yourself all the way till you are able to hold on to the rises there. Great. So, you know, different reformers have different width of the rises. You've just Botha play around with a reformer that works for you. I mean, this exercise can really be done at any height with a hand, but some have higher arms which puts it more in line with the shoulder, which is okay. So, Tash, we're gonna come up into a little bit more extension just there. Along through the next.

What we'll first do is a little bit of scapular depression and then relax into elevation there. So there's the elevation, and then we're drawing the scapular down and back one and in. Good. And 2. So just stay up a little. Yeah. Just stay. And then just stay as you are there and then let the scapula come up. Mhmm. And so it's just an active position here, and then we release.

We relax a little bit, but the spine is still staying horizontal to the mat. Good. So we wanna draw right down to here, get those lower mid traps. Good. We'll do 2 more times. And one more time for me, Tash. Good. And back into the long line now attached to this time, it's very similar to a hanging front exercise on the Cadillac.

So you're gonna bend your elbows out and back as you go into extension. Mhmm. Good. There we go. So nice work on the lats there. And I can see her rhomboids and lower traps.

Good. And into the long line. So there. Good. And we go. Draw. So elbows. Yes. They're going out to the side of it. That's good. We'll just make sure they're even and then good and then coming down.

That's good. So really getting this thoracic spine to extend here. So you're allowing those bottom ribs to flare forward. Good. And We'll do 3 more times, Ash. And 1. Beautiful. And forward.

2. Good. And then the last one, we just watched this right trapezes that it doesn't elevate. And last one. So drawing down down with the scaps and bringing them together. Yes.

And all the way out long. Awesome. Then the arms are gonna finish straight. And then you can walk yourself back along the frame. So we're going back. So you don't bang.

So we're almost there. Get a little click. And from here, Tasha, you can go into your wrist position on the box. So you just slide your knees in underneath you. Mhmm.

Yep. And good. And then we're just stretching forward. Always good after the extension to get into a little bit of flexion. Alright, Tasha, and then slowly rolling yourself out. Thank you so much. Great job.

Yeah. Wonderful. Thanks to Tasha. Give it a try. It was great teaching and, we'll see you next time. Thank you.


1 person likes this.
I’m sorry but that’s not Dynamically Atheletic.
What a lovely class! I really appreciate the deliberate pace, which lets me work toward the precision that Ed cues. I love the dynamic squats and lunges; lots of good balance work, plus some great stretches 
Melissa G
After not moving for a week during the holidays, this was a perfectly paced and challenging class for me.  As an "aging" instructor, I appreciate the leg and balance work (my abs enjoyed it, too).  Thank you!
Thank you for this amazing are a fantastic instructor and I still do many of your workouts from years past.  The combination of balance and strength work here was wonderful.
yowza!  thank you...goals for sure
Jessie B
Thank you for the great ideas of leg strength on reformer. Took notes today. Going to try it out tomorrow. 
Also love the chemistry between you and Tash! so cute! 
Dana W
I fell backwards from standing into the springs! I strongly suggest listening to your body. If not feeling safe and are unsure, have someone with you as a spotter!
Thank you for the amazing class. Having my two favorite people together created such wonderful energy.  I'm feeling great
I like this flow - I disagree with the person who said it is not dynamically athletic. It’s not face paced but I feel organized - and it takes athleticism to get into these shapes. All the quad opening was very nice and the extension and attention to detail are quite nice. 
Michele S
I loved the pace and difficulty even when it was quite challenging for me. Thanks so much for sharing your content with specific, clear presentation and friendly demeanor. I learned, was challenged and inspired by both of you! 
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