Class #657

Mat for Baby Boomers

45 min - Class


Distinguished instructor and founder of The Sheppard Method, Risa Sheppard joins Pilates Anytime to share this class geared specifically towards the baby boomer generation.

The #1 complaint of most clients is stiffness, stiffness, stiffness. To remain youthful and vibrant, we must move with a spine that is flexible, articulate, and strong. Therefore, this class will focus mainly on correct alignment, balance, and flexibility. The ability to move gracefully through space, with agility, poise, and inner power. We will do exercises to increase flexibility, articulation of the spine, and strength helping you to feel younger and move in a body that is agile. Enjoy!
What You'll Need: Mat

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Good afternoon. I'm Risa Shepherd, creator of the shepherd method glottis here in Los Angeles or a little south from here. And I'm, I'm thank you very much for coming today. We're going to concentrate primarily on Peloton for baby boomers. Why? Well, first of all, I am one, but I've also been teaching myself for 35 years and I can attest to the fact that working out keeps your longevity going. I have clients up until their nineties I have clients as young as 16 so it doesn't really matter your age, but just to let you know that it's something that we can always be participating in forever. Um, there's a lot of questions about when our baby boomers and we were talking earlier, is the general consensus is that 1946 to 1964 if you are born somewhat between that, you can be a little bit older than that. Actually. You could be a lot younger than that.

But what is the number one complaint of people over, let's say the age of 30 and that's basically stiffness and, and flexibility. Everybody's complaining about how stiff they are, their postures, their lower backs, but it's stiffness, stiffness, stiffness, and Willie. What we want is to be able to move in a body that is agile, that is comfortable, and we want to be comfortable in our own bodies forever. And we don't want to be old people that are shuffling along. You know, what we want to do is I have 90 year old clients that are moving as gracefully as they have been for many, many years. Why? Because they exercise whether it's plots or another form for as long as they can. You want a spine that is articulate, flexible, and strong, and you are as young as your spine is flexible. I strongly believe that the more flexible and young and strong we keep our spine, which as you know was the life support of the body.

The longer we can move confidently and feel good about ourselves. And that's basically basically, isn't that what we all really want to do is we want to feel good. We want to feel good emotionally. We want to feel good physically for as long as we possibly can. And I'm very fortunate that I found this when I was just 22 however, I'm 58 now and I've been doing it for all these years.

I plan on doing it until I'm 158 because at least feeling good is giving me a whole new lease on life and enjoying life much more than a lot of other people. So I'm just trying to pass that on to you. That is very important that we keep ourselves open physically and mentally and emotionally as well. Okay, so with that in mind, I'd like us to first talk about the main component of the shepard method and something that I learned a long time ago. The body center, we've all heard about the core. I'm so sick of hearing about the core, the core, this the course, we're skateboarding the core for rollerskating, whatever it is. I mean it's, the core is about, you know, nobody really knows what the core is. They're just a group of muscles. And yes, if they're important.

But let's talk about the body center, that which aligns the body and keeps the abdominals and the lower back strong that keeps us moving from that area that is centered, that is aligned, that is confident in which is strong. So what we're going to do is find the body center and I want you to think body center center center in all that you do. Okay? So without further ado, Stan, sorta like there's normal schlep which face me. Thank you Stan. Like the normal schlep. When I say slap, a lot of people sort of like an Amoeba, you know they have one hip up and they have their shoulders. There you go. That's, that's normal teenager. We're not talking about baby boomers. This is the 17 year old. Um, what you want to do is think of your body has a nice plum line or even a set of magnets that are going to be pressing the legs together, starting down at the feet.

You want to imagine that there's a laser beam that's running straight down the middle of your foot, down to the floor, down to China so that you're feeling as if your foundation is very, very secure, that you're not going to fall forward on your front of your face or back on your heels. I want you to move up the body. I want you to imagine that there's a plumb line or better yet. Imagine that there's a couple of magnets at the ankles that are vibrating together. Couple of magnets that the calves, a couple of magnets at the knees, couple of magnets at thighs, couple of madness at the groin. Now here, I want you to pull the navel into the spine and I want you to make as much of a space between the rib cage and the pelvis as possible. This is what I called the clumping because I use very scientific terms and I don't want anybody clumping, so I want to make as much space between the rib cage and the pelvis as possible. There you go. Yeah, good. And linkedin, so we're always talking about lengthening.

We don't want to get short as we get older, do we? Okay, so then we open up the chest. I want you to imagine like you're trying to show a beautiful necklace to the world. We're not going to close ourselves off. I want you to imagine the shoulders are pressed away from the ears and they're the sort of like elongating out beyond the shoulders. I want you to imagine that the spine is not stop at the neck, is not stop at the cervical spine, but goes out beyond the top of the head to his far up into the sky as you can.

I want you to imagine the spine moving down. The body. I want you to imagine is that there's warm oil being massage down your shoulder blades. I want you to imagine that's tailbone aiming down towards the floor. The buttocks gently squeezes. If we're holding a silver dollar in the cheeks, I want you to imagine the madness of the thighs, the magnets at the knees, the magnets at the calves and at the ankles. Now I want you to imagine that there's the laser beam running through your hips from as far one way to the other way. And then as far from the front, about an inch below your belly button and an inch above your tailbone.

Now where those four points meet in the center of your body, okay. And between the summit and the back, there's a little ball the size of a ping pong ball or the energy of the sun. And that is called your body center from which all movement flows. Meaning if we lift our arms, we're just not lifting from the shoulder or not lifting from the deltoid. And we're flopping our bodies around where gracefully flowing and lengthening from the center. Same thing with our legs.

We're just not lifting our hips, okay? We're linked in our legs from the center, we're moving from the center. Most people walk from their heads. Most people walk from their shoulders, right? Let's do a walk with from their backs. You're gonna learn to move and walk from your center, which will give you much more feeling of a much more feeling of confidence and a beauty. And of grace. Okay? So with that in mind, let's let all the air out of our bodies like a wet dish rag. And I want you to take the hands in front and I want you to lift the arms up.

Use the air as resistance, but lift them from the center. Inhale and exhale, press the arms down and inhale, lift up. Feel the shoulder blades engaging and exhale down. And as you lift those arms, I want you to imagine there were always extending me on our own limitations and down. So with every movement we make, we're linkedin extending and we're always moving forward because if you're moving forward with your body and making improvements, we're making improvements in our lives. Yes. And down. Shh. Yeah, you like that right now let's take it the right arm up.

Turn at the shoulder and press down. Use the air as resistance. Turn the hand the other way. Lift up, turn and exhale down. If a turn, press back, turn, lift up, and press down. Lift. Use that arrogant as resistance. Press turn, lift and press down. One more time. Lift up, turn, press back, lift up and press down. Okay, let's open up the legs a little bit. What I want to do here, we're just going to continue to move from the center. And by the way, moving from the center with our bodies is the same as moving from the center in our lives with our minds, right? Because when we get all chaotic out there in the real world, what do we want to do in whatever forum we, whatever religion we have, whatever spirit doesn't really matter.

But we have to center ourselves and make ourselves whole. Correct? So it's the exact same thing with our bodies. When we correlate the mind and the way we live our life, it's exactly the same. Okay? So think in terms of centering yourself as century in your mind, in central, in your body as well, and keeping everything in balance.

So with that in mind, I want you to inhale and I want you to exhale, contract in the abdominals, bend the knees, take the chin to the chest, and then I just want you to roll down, okay? On what the head to be. Nice and loose. Good. And from the body center, not from your back and not from your neck. Roll up one vertebrae at a time too.

Okay. And your back is a little stiff, isn't it? Yeah, I can tell. You know how? Because I look for Frankenstein's. You come. Yeah, you come down and when you roll up. Alright. So what you want to do is keep the contraction of your abdominals, pull the belly in and think of yourself like a flower unfolding and lifting up. Okay? That's one way that really can help that. All right?

And most people have the snippets in the back, so that's why I want to again, create in [inaudible]. So you have a little bit of water doses, don't you think? The spine down towards the tailbone, down, sort of the floor. Pull the belly into the spine. Okay, let's try that again. Let's take a breath. Inhale and exhale. Take the chin to the chest, contract in the abdominals, been the knees, bend the knees, exhale. And then this, count the vertebrae as we roll up.

Tan So we can articulate the spine. Nine eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, and one. There you go. Was that a little bit better? They look better. Okay, let's take a nice breath up and it was there as resistance. Press down. Just take a breath up and try it again. Exhale, Chin to the chest, contract down. Inhale and exhale. Roll it up. Talk the pelvis under one vertebrae at a time. That's better. Better, and inhale up and press down.

Okay, let's have a seat and we will face where you're facing. It's important to think also of where we're putting all of our feelings and emotions into our bodies because what we want to do is always be able to untie the mental, not with the physical, not so that we can create a full healing of the body in the mind. Because I'll tell you, it doesn't matter how many leg lifts you do or how many stomachs you do. If you hate yourself or you hate your legs or you really hate your husband or your wife is not going to matter how many leg lifts you do. So what we want to do is learn to love ourselves as much as we can to accept ourselves. We've all heard that, but loving ourselves. But let's, let's just learn to really accept ourselves and accept our bodies and to know that it's as the process of whatever we're doing.

And so when we're linkedin in the spine, we're linkedin in our minds were linked through them in our legs. Okay? When we're stretching our arms, we're just not stretching our arms. We always extending beyond our own limitations. Okay? When we're healing something, we're just not healing something in our, in our bodies, we're healing an old thoughts or an old feeling that we've put into that particular part of the body. And so what we want to do, and we don't have to literally, you know, know everything about it, about what happened. Oh, when I was five years old, my father locked me in the closet. This might know that there's that there's a reason why our hips are not working as well as we'd like to, and they represent basically hips represent moving forward in life. I get a lot of my ideas from heal your body by Louise Hay and the hip and the hips represent moving forward in life. And I find that a lot of my clients, particularly the older clients that have a lot of hip problems, they might want to look like where they're stuck in their life and so forth.

Okay? So that's just a little bit of information that you can do whatever with, okay? But it's nice to think about that. Okay, let's take our feet together. Inhale. Now what I want you to do is put your hands by the ankles, the aim of the elbows on the knees, and I want you to again, imagine that the spine going out beyond the top of the head. So what we're going to do is inhale and exhale. Inhale. And again, we're lengthening beyond, so it's not. So just to get the forehead down to the feet where there's lengthening.

Inhale, lengthening, inhale and lengthening. Now I want you to focus on the bottom vertebrae and as if it's a string of pearls, I want you to slowly lift up. I want you to lift the arms up. Once you place the hands behind you, kilt the pelvis, lift up as high as you can. Get the chest up there. Now drop the buttocks back by the hands and release the head. Okay, got that everybody. Where we're going to do is, again, there's a difference between the plop and appeal.

So I just don't want you to plop the buttocks up. I want you to tilt that pelvis, peel it up, feel one vertebrae at a time, lifting up, up, articulating the spine. Keep the chest up, then drop the buttocks back by the hands. So we created mice arch in the upper back and lift the head. And let's do it again.

Tilt the pelvis and lift up just up. Drop the buttocks back by the hands and release the head. Take the arms behind you up and stretch overreach. So think the spine again, linkedin and beyond the top of the head. And we do little pulses, no balances. We just sort of pulse.

So with each pulse we extend the spine further and reach two, three, four and rich. Six, seven, eight. Let's do it again. And two, three, four and reach six, seven, eight, focusing again on the bottom vertebrae as if it's a string of pearls. A slowly lifts up one vertebrae at a time. Take the arms out to the side. Now what you're going to do is lift out of the waist, turn to the right, take your elbow down the arm up, but that twist in the head.

Come forward and front and turn the other way. Take the elbow down. Lyft, good and front. Don't clump into yourselves. Lift up. Turn and down. Lift. Turn and churn. Down. Lift. Front. Turn down.

Lift. Front. Turn down. Lift. Front. Turn down. Lift. Front. Turn down. Lift Front. One more. Turn down. Lift. Front. Turn down.

Lift and front. Okay, and slowly roll it down. Now bring the feet in. Keep your fingers by the knees. Lift the feet up to eye-level. Press it down. Up and down. Lift down. Lift down. Lift. Now extend the legs open.

Close frog down. Lift. Extend. Open. Close. Frog, lift. Extend. Open, close, lift. Extend. Close. One more. Stand close and down. Knees together.

Head down. Press the knees into the chest. Now when I say press the knee into the chest, I want you to imagine that you're just on the cloud or on a sandbox and you just press down further. If it hurts you to put your hands on your knees, put your hands under your thighs. That might help. Yeah, just think more of the knees under the size. But just imagine that the whole spine is again, being elongated and, and just dropping down into, get the shoulders down. There you go. Inhale and exhale.

Inhale and exhale. Inhale. Good. And exhale. And let's just do little movements. S circling each side too. Three, four, reverse. One, two, three, um, four. And the dod. You know, everybody likes to move. I actually prefer to call Pilati. Is there any form of exercise? Not Exercise, but movement because movement, I mean, exercise connotes something. Um, God does watch a lot of people, but we all like to move. We all want to move.

Nobody wants to stay stagnant. And that's really what it's all about. It's not staying stagnant. Okay. And that's why you feel so good. Whenever there's, there's sort of a push. So for you, think of this as more movement than exercise and allows your body to move. It will take its shape, it will take its shape, it will just naturally redistribute. And the more we think up, a lot of people are very bottom heavy. A lot of people carry a lot of weight into their thighs.

A lot of people are are, let's face it, people are just falling over, you know, I mean let's really concentrate on thinking up and open throughout our movement. And the more we think of that in our movement, the more our, we'll represent that as well. Okay? So with that in mind, I want you to go ahead and lie on your back. We're going to start to loosen up the lower back a little bit more and I want you to press the back down, tilt the pelvis, squeeze and lift up just a little bit and then slowly roll it down. Feel the articulation of the spine and drop the pelvis under, arch the lower back and tilt the pelvis and lift up. And exhale, roll it down and tilt the pelvis and lift and exhale slowly down.

And again, think of the terms of that spine. Really lengthening and growing and articulating and under. Yeah, and tilt the pelvis and lift it up a little bit higher. This time. Closer. Lift up to the shoulder blades and exhale, roll it down and tilt the pelvis and lift. Now let's keep it there. I'm want you to keep the um, buttocks up towards the ceiling. Lift the heels, and then want to drop the heels without dropping the buttocks.

So you lift the heels and drop, lift, drop, lift, drop, lift, drop, lift, drop, lift, drop, lift the heels and then slowly roll it down. Feel each vertebrae at a time and lower the heels. Did the arms straight up. Take the right knee up, take the left leg up. I want you to inhale and exhale, lift from the center reach. Extend those fingers far and we're come all the way back down. Make sure that it's the stomach that lifts those fingers that with lift the head, lift the arms, and inhale, bat and exhale. Right.

Okay. And we'll start the one hundreds from here. Ready? Go. One, two, three, four. Sure. No, if you can extend the legs, extend two, three, four. Sure.

Flex the feet to three. [inaudible]. [inaudible]. Point the feet of the legs. She goes, the legs. [inaudible] he dropped the right leg.

Strapped the left leg. Sure. Legs. Yes. Tabletop. Sure.

Good and release. Had down. Okay. That was so, that was fun. Okay. Let's turn around and face out towards the ocean. It's place the head down on the hands. The elbows open, the buttocks squeezed. What we're going to do is you're going to inhale and exhale, lift the upper body and hold it, and then back down.

Okay, let's try that again. Inhale and exhale. Lift. Keep the forehead on the hands and exhale down. Okay. And inhale, lift up and exhale down. [inaudible] and inhale, lift.

Okay. And exhale down an inhale, lift and exhale down. Good. One more time. Very nice. Inhale, lift and exhale down. Okay, good. Let's take the hands back where the breath, but chest and come up to all fours and we're going to do the cat. This is similar. Why don't you just think of rounding that spine.

Go into a straight back and then a slight arch, slight dip and straighten the spine and round and straighten and arch and straighten and round and straighten and arch and straighten and round and straighten. Good and arch and straightened. Let's take your left arm. I want you to lift it up, look towards the palm, and then reach through and underneath the hand. I'm sorry, the arm and inhale, lift up, stretch and reach and lift and reach and lift and rate. And one more time. Lift and reach.

Okay, good places down. Let's do the other arm lift up. Really stretch that spine and reach and lift and reach and lift and reach and lift and reach and lift and reach. One more time and lift and reach. Okay, good. As sits your buttocks, bat hands, head down, arms behind. Clasp your hands together and reach the arms up.

Reach to seven good eight and sit up on you. If it hurts to sit on your knees, don't do that. Oh, it hurts. Why do that? Don't do that. All right, let's just sit up. Let's just sit. Can you cross your legs? And if you can't cross your legs, that's fine. How does that feel? Okay. If you're on, do that as well. It just, whenever you sit however you're comfortable, I want you to do some stretch the spa on the um, the neck. Um, it's interesting the neck. A lot of people complain, particularly baby and as you knows, you get older, there's a lot of stiffness in the neck, right? It also represents our ability to look at all sides of a situation, to be very flexible and looking at all of all the areas. Um, so it's important to think of terms of being open always to new ideas or be always accepting of other ways of doing things because people that are very, very myopic are thinking one way, tend to get very, very stiff.

Alright, so with that in mind says a lot of baby boomers and older people with the computers tend to get very stiff. I want us to keep a lot of flexibility in the neck. Okay. Does that make sense? Inhale and exhale. Take the chin to the chest and lift up and exhale down and lift up [inaudible] and exhale down. Yeah. And lift up and [inaudible] sale down. Yeah. And lift up [inaudible] and exhale down and lift up and settle down. And uh, and Allistor and the head of the side.

We might also even think of some area of our life that we haven't been able to understand completely and we want to turn the other way and just take that time now to just stretch beyond our previous limitations and turn to the side and front. You'd be surprised how many people can't even do this. And turn, I have one client I call it when I say you have a fortress in your neck and her. Okay. Come front and let's take your hand across your, your head to the side and just turn over and hold. Place the hand a little further back and take the chin to the chest. Good. And lift up, arm down.

Let's take the other side over and turn again. Make as much space between the ear and the shoulder blade that you can and take your hand a little further back. Drop the chin to the chest. Good and up and front list please both hands behind the head and open up the elbows. Press two, three, four, five, six, seven and a and take the chin to the chest round over [inaudible] and roll it up and open. One, two, three, four, five, six. Inhale and exhale down and inhale, lift and open. One, two, three, four, five, six and exhale down. Okay, good. Up and arms down. And now let's turn.

This was going to be a little difficult for you, so I want you just to keep that leg out. Okay. How does that feel? Okay, everybody else could just the knee, place your hand over and stretch it. Good. Sam Eight. Now what we're going to do is do a swoop. We're going to turn and lift up. Look at this, look at the hand. If that's a little bit too difficult for you. Yes. What you can do is just, you could modify just, you don't have to lift your buttocks up just like this.

There you go. And Front. So for those who could lift their buttocks, fine. For those who can't, you just keep the buttocks down. You still get the stretch in the waist front and it's more of the movement that we're after anyway in that movement in the spine and front. And one more time down, uh, and front. Okay. How does that feel? Is that okay? It's okay. All right, good. Extend. Turn this way. I want you to lower the chest down a little bit and lift the leg. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine and 10. Come to the front.

And I wish to take the leg front and arm back and one and two. So the arm goes front while the leg goes back. Five, six, seven, eight, nine and tan and out leg, straight out drop. Lift. One, two, three. There's two hard for you to be all the way up. Come on down. You can even come all the way down. Eight, nine, 10 less too. And 12 up [inaudible] on campus and stretch six eight. Okay.

I want you to hold off on this particular stretch and I want everybody else to take their leg around. Can you do that? Okay, great. And look behind the shoulder. They go stretching again. We're stretching the spine. Okay. And come front. Stretch forward. You just feel a nice stretch in the hip.

Seven and hey, good and front. Alright. How'd that feel for you? Okay. Yes. Sam telling you there's, I always say where there's a will, there's a way and you know, if something doesn't work for somebody, there's 101 other ways that you can always do it. I'm never, we should never be afraid or perplexed. Oh I can't do that. You know, there's just different modifications, different ways. Every body is different. You know, it's, it's the four. What I say in my classes is the form is foremost. You know, as long as we keep the form correct, we work from the center, we're opening up the chest. It doesn't really matter. All the fancy moves that we make. All right?

Cause all our bodies have different things going on with it. We just want to keep that form of being open. All right and centered. Let stretch over and reach. Okay, sad. Hey, turn around and lift up. Look at the palm. Good and turn and front. And again, if you can't lift all the way up, that's okay. Front turn, front and turn up and turn and front on.

Turn up and turn and front and turn and up and turn and front one more. Sure. And up and turn. [inaudible]. Oh, okay. Good. And down. Now extend the lake lower a little bit. This room or not.

Don't have one shoulder up. Just come down. Keep the shoulders square and lift the back leg up. One, two, three. Use the back of the waist. Sh Seven, eight. If it doesn't matter how high you lift the leg, well it's just matters that you linked in it and well. Okay. And then front again if you want to be up or you can modify, but coming down and s and take the arm front. I'm sorry.

Ready and go. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine. Chan last two. Don't swing. Use Control 12 and arm out. Drop the leg one, lift two. If you need to come down, you can. Three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, 10, 11, 12, uh, and over and stretch linkedin. Remember, don't come too far in front. Keep yourself open and just keeps stretching. Lengthening, stretching, lengthening. Lift up with leg up and around and stretch. Back Hole. Good and front. Come forward. Stretch. Watch. Six, seven, eight, nine and 10.

Good and front. Okay, let's turn towards the outside. Keep the feet straight out and flex ball point. We want to keep the flexibility on our feet. That's an area that gets stiff very easily and gives us a lot of troubles as we get older. So let's really work art and articulate the feet. Flex the ball and flex back to the heel and [inaudible] ball point. Flex ball, point bone, flex ball point, bow flex. Good.

See I can see that you are flexible in the features so that's good that you need to like take a stretching forward with the ball, the foot and then back. Yeah, ball and point. I know they can't. I know they can't, but I want you to start thinking at first. Okay. Then the body will take its cue from what your mind is telling it. It might take a while. The body is not quite as smart as your mind, but it'll eventually get there. Okay, and back ball point ball, flex ball, point ball, flex ball, point ball, flex ball point with the arms up. Now think again that linkedin any out of the waist.

Inhale and exhale, reach forward seven, eight and from the lower spine again, lengthening one vertebrae at a time. Up, hands behind. You know what you're going to do is you're going to tilt the pelvis and you're going to lift up as high as you can. The chest is up. Now you're going to drop the buttocks back towards the hands and release the head. Okay, let's do it again. Tilt the pelvis, leave with the pelvis, lift up, point the toes, chest high, drop the buttocks back to the hands and release. Let's do it one more time. Tilt the pelvis, lift up, dropped the buttocks back to the hands. Arch that back. Good and release. Take the arms up, flex the feet, reach the hands over the feet and stretch and three in little pulses within the body.

Seven and keep breathing and inhale to four and yeah, again, inhale too. Point the feet and press down again from the small the back and lift up. Okay, turn towards me and let's open up the feet. Open up the legs. I should say don't take the two wide. All right. I want you to bend the knees, flex the foot, the feet, press the knees down and point.

Flex Band and press the bottoms of the knees down. Band and point band Ann. Point band an point, band and point. Band and point. Okay. Sick the arms out to the side and stretching over towards the outside.

Reach. Linkedin six, seven, eight. Lift the arms up and other side and reach to seven eight. Lift up out of the waist on six other side and reach two, three, four, five, six and lift and other sides. And reach two, three, four, five, six and lift on four and reach two, three, four and Lyft and other side rich, two, three, four. And lift and other side and reach to and lift and other side, reach two and lift on one and rich and lift and reach. Let's do it again.

And lift and reach and lift and reach. Arms Up. Let's turn towards the right foot. Flex the feet this time and lengthen out towards the fifth foot. Keep the shoulders down, n a n, lift up and turn and reach. And when I say raise, lengthen that spine beyond the top of the head and lift up and turn on six and reach two four, five, six and lift and turn and reach and one and lengthen lifts.

So linkedin as you lift the arms up right on four and reach two three, four. Lengthen the spine as you lift and turn other side. Reach two, four and length and lift and two and turn and reach two and lift and turn and reach two and lift on one and reach. Lift, turn, reach, lift. Turn. One more time. Reach, lift, turn, reach, lift, churn, arms out and release. Take the legs together and let's just circle those shoulders around. One, two, three and six. Reverse. One, five and six. Make a fist and open.

Two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight and make circle. One, two, three, four, five. Good. And six reverse. And one, two, three, four, five and six. Make one. Yeah. Three, four, five. And back in two, three, four, five and out. Two, three, four, five and two, three, four, five and out. Two, three, four, five and in two, three, four, five and out. Two, three, four, five and [inaudible] two for last one and out. Two, three, five and n, two, three, four and five. Good. Um, flex. Two, three, four, five, six. Circle one, two, three. Big circles with the hands.

I feel it all the way under the shoulder. Blaze and revert. And six. Okay. Let's come up and I'm going to stand facing me. This might be a little bit difficult for you, so you could just modify it by, just cut me down. Not quite so far. Come down. We're going to do little pulses with thanks to the buttocks, to our heels. One, two. That's fine. Just let it just sit there no further. No.

So the knees and straighten the legs. And let's come down again. Take the hands closer to the feet and what pulse? Two, three, four. No to the knee and bend the knees. Slowly roll it up to think like you're unfolding like a flower as we spoke with in the beginning. How does the last to come up and take a big breath? Inhale, lift the arms up and press the shoulders down.

Let's do it again. Inhale and exhale. Press down, add one more up, and exhale. Press down. Thank you all. Oh, very much. How's that? Okay. Good.


Risa thank you for this class. I appreciate your connections to life and how living affects our bodies. As a 43 yr old woman I've had and have my issues with body image and its ripple effect.
Haven't we all! I appreciate your comment! Thanks,
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not a level two, boring
Risa wonderful to see you here at P.A. I missed out on your session at Palm Springs at the PMA which sold out, I was too slow in registering. Now I have it here in my little home studio. I love your attitude, your work and your vitality! Love You Risa!!! Congrats!
Thanks Judy!
I felt lighter in my body and mind after this relaxing workout..thank you!
Glad you liked it Aerthi!
Very good class and information, but compared to the other classes on PA not a level two and not Moderate pace. Should be level 1, Deliberate.
Dear Kerry
Thank you for your feedback. One can always make a session more challenging by resisting and controlling deeper within the muscle and elongating . The more
control and flow within the body the more challenging.
Form is foremost.
One should be able to make the simplest movements challenging. Good luck and again I thank you!
1 person likes this.
Hi Risa
Yes, thanks, I am aware of all that. The point of my comment was in relation to the other classes on the site.
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