Straightforward Mat<br>Amy Havens<br>Class 605

Straightforward Mat
Amy Havens
Class 605

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Fantastic class as always.:)
Thank you Jodie!
Thank you Amy,fantastic workout and you are the best!!
Many thanks Alessia!
love your class Amy uouu!!! good job
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What a fantastic classic session...reminded me that I can do (almost) all 34 in 60 minutes! Here's what I esp loved - the leg sweep after OLR & your cue "extend your sternum" in front support! Thank you never disappoint!
Thank you Jennifer! I love how clear and honest your feedback is, much appreciated!
thank you Amy! I aspire to teach like you...your cues are clear, you are great at reminding us about how to properly position our bodies, your exercises flow nicely one into the other... thank you!
Linda.....what generous compliments here, wow! I truly appreciate this feedback!
1 person likes this.
I love your instruction and your transitions!
1-10 of 31

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