Grounding and Stabilizing<br>Julie Driver<br>Class 1997

Grounding and Stabilizing
Julie Driver
Class 1997

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1 person likes this.
Love, Love Loved this! Beautiful cuing. Loved the variations. Thank you Julie Driver. I really enjoyed this class.
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Really enjoyed the class. New variations. Great detail. Thanks!!
1 person likes this.
Very nice class with precise verbal and tactile cueing.
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Such a nice flow and great cues!! Loved it!
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I found the pace to be too slow for my liking.
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Rachel ~ I'm sorry you found this class to be too slow. I recommend trying our Accelerated Classes to find workouts that are a better pace for you. I hope you enjoy them!
Julie Driver
Thank your comments, all feedback is welcome and I hope Gias advice is helpful.
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thank you Julie! You took the time to get your client in correct form, and it felt like a "real-time" session, with all your wonderful cueing for optimal alignment. I could feel the extension in that flat back stomach massage all the way from over here! (south carolina) oh my!
Julie Driver
Hi Patti, so glad you enjoyed it!
1 person likes this.
Fantastic visual cues delivered beautifully. Thanks Julia for the inspiration! ??
11-20 of 32

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