Hanging Around<br>Sarah Bertucelli<br>Tutorial 3105

Hanging Around
Sarah Bertucelli
Tutorial 3105

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Hi Laurie, I am pleased you are enjoying the hanging. Our loops are made by Balanced Body. I believe they make both a short and long version and these are the longer. Have Fun!
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Other the few flexion pieces would these be safe for a client with osteoporosis?
Julia Taylor it is difficult to answer without knowing the body in question. These stretches are meant to be an opportunity to explore range of motion and letting go. Osteoporosis can be tricky. I would try small bits and pieces. Give plenty of time to see how the body responds before moving on. Most of my clients love some version of hanging around but not all versions. One of my clients who has rounded shoulders and kyphosis, can only handle a few of the stretches for a short time, but feels better after. Hope this helps.
Praveena C
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Sarah, I loved hanging around with you in this exploration. Lots of room for finding tightness and holding. Very grateful❤️
Praveena I am so pleased you enjoyed hanging around! Continue to  explore.  
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