Advanced Reformer<br>Meredith Rogers<br>Class 5586

Advanced Reformer
Meredith Rogers
Class 5586

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Thank you for this wonderful class, Meredith! I love your pace and the challenges you offer. And I love a 60 minute class!!!
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Really love your techniques and classes.  This did feel more intermediate for me, the exercise selection and set up didn't quite hit adv level.
Tanya P
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wowza! another goodie! there should be a t-shirt: "I survived an advanced Meredith Rogers class! :) Love it! Thank you!  
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You are the best MEREDITH!!!!!
A great big thank you to you all for choosing this class, moving with me and taking the time to share your feedback.  I appreciate you.
Eileen M and Deborah R the roll over into jackknife can be a challenging move especially in the case of tight spinal extensors.  One modification I like a lot for people struggling with the roll over portion is to bend the knees into a rolling like a ball shape, start the reverse curl and then kick the legs to use momentum to get the rest of the way over.  In the jackknife portion it is helpful to focus on using the back and hip extensors to achieve the line while also pressing into the arms to stabilize the shoulders and anchor the upper body.  Hopefully, that is helpful and please let me know how you go.
I always get excited to wake up and see a new class from my favorite Meredith, but it’s extra special when it’s an advanced workout! Love love loved!! Xx
Brilliant as ever. I needed this today, thank you.
Marithé Lessard
Excellent class , nice cues, very interesting rhythm,💙leg circle , one leg 👏 merci beaucoup des changements 
Marithé Lessard
More I practice it more I Appreciate it merci 🙋‍♀️🏌️‍♀️
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