Reformer on the Mat<br>Amy Havens<br>Class 2517

Reformer on the Mat
Amy Havens
Class 2517

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love the "T" arms holding weights criss cross with widened base! Will teach today. Thanks, Amy
Thank you Jennifer Pagoto! How did you students like it?!!
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Your instruction is very clear and motivating, thank you!
Thank you so much Juliet !
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Fast but challenging. A good stand-alone workout if you don't have a lot of time. Thanks, Amy Havens !
Thank you Kandie!
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This should be in the regular rotations. Thanks, Amy Havens !
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I only had time for half today but it was still great!
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Thank you Kandie -- this was one of my favorites too!!
So good! Loved the neck turn with the arms pressing back.
21-30 of 54

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