Circular Movement Reformer<br>Lisa Hubbard<br>Class 3470

Circular Movement Reformer
Lisa Hubbard
Class 3470

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1 person likes this.
Wowza, that was a perfect shortspine!!! So beautifully executed, the whole class, too! That was great, thank you!!!
Lisa Hubbard
Lissa you are much too generous yet so appreciated and heart felt! Thank you 😊 hope you enjoy this class again!
Lisa Hubbard
Thank you Courtney you made me smile! Your energy is coming through...thank you!!
Lisa Hubbard
Dulce Cortes so happy you enjoyed!
Lisa Hubbard
Thank you Caroline B for your kind comments 🙏🏻 I am highly honored 🙏🏻
Lisa Hubbard
Connie you are welcome! Thank you for joining me for class! 😊
1 person likes this.
Short but effective class. It's always a pleasure to watch you move and listen to your clear cues. Thank you Lisa Hubbard 💙
Lisa Hubbard
Firuze thank you for your kind feedback, I am grateful to get to do what I do! I appreciate you joining me 😊
1 person likes this.
Loved it. A great little piece🙏🙏
Lisa Hubbard
Thank you for your kind comments and for taking class with me, please come again! 💛 @ZA
21-30 of 97

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