Tracey's Go-To Reformer<br>Tracey Mallett<br>Class 5574

Tracey's Go-To Reformer
Tracey Mallett
Class 5574

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This was perfect for me today. Thank you
Alexandra M
1 person likes this.
Great class! I noticed however you started with hip lift but the head rest was up. Isn’t it something to avoid from?
Alexandra M hello typically bridging you would put your headrest down. However as I only did two and was on the ALLEGRO 2 reformer where the headrest has a lower position for the flow of the class I did not drop it all the way down. I would not do a whole series of hip lift and excessive exercises with the head rest up in bridge. 2 small hip lifts before we go into leg work for spinal articulation would not cause injury. If you look at my spine it looks pretty much neutral.  As a student if you feel you would prefer your headrest down for two reps then please do so. Glad you enjoyed the workout!! Thank you 🙌
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