Straightforward Mat<br>Amy Havens<br>Class 605

Straightforward Mat
Amy Havens
Class 605

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I say ditto to Linda Moore!
"I aspire to teach like you...your cues are clear, you are great at reminding us about how to properly position our bodies, your exercises flow nicely one into the other."
I'll add this:
Thank you Miss Kristi.....!
Such a great and beneficial class and my first on pilatesanytime! I particularly loved the emphasis on reciprocal work and finding length deep in the body rather than just superficially. Lot's of inspiration here for me as an instructor. Thank you!
Welcome to Pilates Anytime Gina!
Nice to meet you Gina and thank you so much! Welcome to Pilates Anytime!! I value you taking the time to leave a comment...I do take them to heart and any time I can help direct, guide, inspire someone else to make a deeper connection to their body and this work, well then.......I'm a happy lady! Hope to talk to you again soon!
For some reason, today, the "pull in behind your bellybutton" cue made all the difference. No over tiqhteninq and I could tell I was usinq deeper pelvic floor muscles rather than external muscles. My bodily epiphany for the day ... Yes, fantastic as always, Amy!
Miriam...........YAY!! Thank you for such great feedback--again! So glad the cue worked! Epiphanies are so sweet, I agree!
What a fantastic way to end the year! A gruelling workout that readies one for the new year!
Jasmin........thank you!
Thank you Amy!! I love this workout!! I feel my body!
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