Total Body Reformer<br>Tracey Mallett<br>Class 5241

Total Body Reformer
Tracey Mallett
Class 5241

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Hamstrings!!!! Absolutely loved this class! Another workout that flew by. Thank you for these creative sessions. 
Thanks so much Tracy, love your instruction, cues, motivation and bright light!
Thanks so much Tracy, love your instruction, cues, motivation and bright light!
Thanks so much Tracy, love your instruction, cues, motivation and bright light!
Thanks so much Tracy, love your instruction, cues, motivation and bright light!
Thanks so much Tracy, love your instruction, cues, motivation and bright light!
Thanks so much Tracy, love your instruction, cues, motivation and bright light!
Thanks so much Tracy, love your instruction, cues, motivation and bright light!
Thanks so much Tracy, love your instruction, cues, motivation and bright light!
Thanks so much Tracy, love your instruction, cues, motivation and bright light!
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