Mat Progression Series 1/10<br>Monica Wilson<br>Class 49

Mat Progression Series 1/10
Monica Wilson
Class 49

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Loved it! Great teacher....
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This was so helpful in showing the difference between exercise with the proper position versus without!
So glad I took the time to work through each session. Very helpful in building a strong foundation. Thanks!!
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Monica's Mat series is a must for anyone new to pilates as well as anyone who wants a form refresher. She gives thorough instruction that allows students to understand the subtle nuances of classical pilates. She is warm and funny too and really cares about her students. I hope she returns from maternity leave soon!
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I wanted to skip right to a beginner class, but glad I didn't. Monica gave so much more detail than I have had in a group class at my gym. Can't wait to go to the next one!
That's great to hear Lucinda! We'll make sure Monica knows you said so...
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excellent refresher to get me back to doing it properly!
I have a hard time making my legs really straight. What should I do? Just make them as straight as I can until I get stronger?
That was awesome! Can't wait to do the rest! Thank you Monica!!
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Wow...great class! This is way better than trekking to a gym...can't wait for tomorrow's class!
1-10 of 56

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