Kathy Grant Inspired Mat<br>Cara Reeser<br>Class 785

Kathy Grant Inspired Mat
Cara Reeser
Class 785

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Loved your instruction and enthusiasm!
Loved this class - an inspiration for inter/adv participants who have been coming to my classes for some years....now I have lots of new ideas for tonight for them
Fabulous class!
OMG!!!! I love this woman!!!! I truly enyojed this class, thank you so much for bringing Cara!!!
Such a wonderful class. I learned so much and definitely learned some things in my own body. I have heard Cara's named mentioned many times over the years from teachers and friends and now I have a little taste as to why. I look forward to learning more from Cara. She really is a gem. Thanks Cara and PA!
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Laurel~ Cara was just with us this past weekend filming more classes that we are excited to share (and a workshop!) so please look forward to those!
I keep coming back to this class so I remember to not fall off my raft! I am inspired and refreshed everytime. Cara, thank you.
Spectacular! I can't wait to see more! Namaste!
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LOVE Cara. Just had an amazing three day workshop with her in London and this was great revision as lif's too short to be constantly taking notes when you are having that much fun!
Cara you're a rock star! Amazing class x
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