Full-Body Strengthening<br>Karen Sanzo<br>Class 852

Full-Body Strengthening
Karen Sanzo
Class 852

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I loved this class - amazing cueing! Thanks Karen. PS. Could you please do some more?
once again. genius.
just what i needed this afternoon! thanks!!!
Great Great class! short and very sweet. Excellent cues, nothing strains or injures. Great quads, core, abs, gluts.
Dude! I wish there was a "love" option "like" is not a strong enough option! This was awesome!!!!! The flow was beautiful! Her pace and tone in cueing matching with the intensity of the work was like art! What a pro! Love this! Thank you!
My absolute 'GO TO' class for a quick fix on the go !!
Superb class, Karen. I don't comment much on the classes but I loved this creative alternative, strong flow class. Kudos!!!
Karen Sanzo
So appreciate the feedback. This has been a fun endeavor. More is on the way!!
Strong enjoyable class, tough for anyone with knee problems
31-40 of 56

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