Return to Life Mat<br>Amy Havens<br>Class 957

Return to Life Mat
Amy Havens
Class 957

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Karen M
Great start to my day, nice heat to the class too.
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Yea Amy! Nice quick traditional class, a few Amy tweaks, lots of sweat. Thanks for pulling out some of Joe's exercises that we tend to leave out.
This is going to "my favorites"! Just what I needed today. Challenging, short and sweet
wow what a challenge
So glad everyone is enjoying this class! Thank you very much for the positive feedback!!
Paola Maruca
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'Contrology is not a fatiguing system of dull, boring, abhorred exercises repeated daily "ad-nauseam".......Thanks Amy for reminding us that by bringing us right back to Joe.....:)
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I loved watching you workout.
I had an ah ha moment watching your pumping arms in the 100. the arms moved powerfully and freely as you were so connected in the upper body. this has opened a new awareness as to how important the upper body strength and connection allows the rest of the body to stop working so hard often with tension
Great class Amy! I love your classes but I really liked the pace of this one. As a mom of 2 small children 30 minute classes with no props are perfect for my needs - so thank you! Would love to see more like these on here.
Wow! This was my first level 2 class that I was able to "make it to the end"....... I like to 30 minute pace. I am sweating! I have a scoliosis rod fused to my vertebrae so some exercises were a challenge but I worked though them with modifications!! Thank you!
Myriam Kane
Nice pace, Amy...thank you!
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