Stretch Out Strap® Mat<br>Pat Guyton<br>Class 1228

Stretch Out Strap® Mat
Pat Guyton
Class 1228

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Some aha moments...especially rolling like a ball and teasers and the way the band placement gave excellent feedback.. I used a theraband and used the numbers for where to place hands on strap as relative guides. Don´t let lack of Stretch out strap keep you from taking the class.
Great class. Thank you so much!
Hi Joni, You are so right. There are many tools that can give good PNF feedback. You are very creative in adapting the theraband. Thank you for sharing your suggestions and for the great endorsement! I like the SOS strap that OPTP sells because it is economical, takes up small space, and can be washed when used in a studio setting. It never seems to wear out!
You are welcome, Anne-Marie!
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I love your classes, Pat, cues and humour. I did this one with a theraband too and managed very well... I think ;)
Many, many thanks to PA for offering us such a wide variety of methods and styles, and a huge number of highly inspiring classes. Most classes I watch and do end up being my favorite !!
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Thanks to you and to Pilates Anytime!
So very very interesting. Many thanks.
I will also say" a few aaha" moments for me especially with the seal, rolling like a ball and the front pull forward to prepare for the push up, excellent thank you Pat!!, i adapted this class using the flex band but need to invest in the stretch out strap.
Also used a strong theraband which really made a huge difference on the chest lift action both behind the head, under the bottom and under the scapula. My classes definitely benefitted a lot, thanks so much, really great contribution.
To Ursula, Lynne and all Pilates teachers. We are certainly a creative group! Notice how everyone can take basic movement skills and adapt to new information. I want to encourage everyone to feel free to do this. Just be aware that there may be differences in how the body will respond to the different input. Do try this class with a SOS, band, or towel. What I liked about the SOS from OPTP was the relatively inexpensive investment, durability, and it can be washed!!!! Yes, we clean the equipment, why not our bands, balls, etc. GO Team Pilates!
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