I love the variations! Especially the twist with legs in a diamond, and the arms starting straight ahead of the body rather than out to the sides. Nice class!
Hi Courtney! Thank you for your feedback and comments.....much appreciated. I think it's important to show variations from time to time....we all need them! Plus, it allows for options! As we know, not everyone's body is equipped to do the traditional exercises, so knowing a few work-arounds or alternative postions may be exactly what someone needs to do the spinal mechanic correctly. Glad you enjoyed class. Hope to hear from you again!
Hi Vivi, sure, the purpose of the small quick arm circles is really for some shoulder work, vigor and challange to do while sitting up straight! To do them correctly, stay foccused on open collar bones and press down on the shoulder blades, reach long through the arms and 'whisk'.....one direction..then switch. Try it and let me know what you think. It's also nice to try on the Reformer at the end of the Stomach Massage Series! Tough to stay upright in that position :)