Mat to Prepare for Marathons<br>Amy Havens<br>Class 309

Mat to Prepare for Marathons
Amy Havens
Class 309

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Liked the deliberate pace- great class Amy! I have arthritis in the feet at the base of the big toe. I was wondering if you have an exercises for your feet and if you could incorporate it into one of your classes?
Hi Elaine, thank you! I understand the base of the big toe issue....mine is a bunion, ouch! Have you tried standing on a tennis ball, positioning it right under the metatarsals? If you have plantar fasciaitis....don't try it, but if not, give it a whirl. It's not comfortable, so be ready for that. The goal is to stand on it, feet side by side, and let the tissue and fascia spread...and the joint spaces grow! Once you're off the ball, the foot feels amazing! Give it a try. I'll incorporate some foot things soon.....I just took a workshop at the PMA regarding feet and their relationship to the jumpboard, but I can show some other exercises too.....more matwork based. Talk to you again soon!
Thanks sooooo much for your quick response and for that great idea about the tennis ball. Going to try it!! Looking forward to a mat class where you have some exercises for your feet. next class I'm planning to do some exercises for feet so that should go up on the site next week sometime....:)

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