Reformer for a Tight Back<br>Monica Wilson<br>Class 2057

Reformer for a Tight Back
Monica Wilson
Class 2057

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This is a great beginner routine. Your visual of the tailbone continuing to a tail is a great one!
Kinney F
Filled with so many helpful cues and images. Nothing superfluous. You are a wonderful instructor!
Monica Wilson
Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed the class:)
Thank you Monica for the attention to details. Next class...accupressure points?
Patricia J
I liked the workout, BUT I look for videos that don't use props.This summary said the only prop was a towel,BUT the video employed a box which I don't have! Disappointing. Could someone revise the list of props for this video. THANKS
Patricia ~ Thank you for your feedback. We are glad to hear that you enjoyed this workout. We don't typically include the box as a prop for Reformer class because the box is part of the equipment. Most of our Reformer workouts use the box at some point. If you don't have a box, you may find this tutorial helpful. It shows modifications you can use in Reformer classes with a box.
Loved some of the explanations and imagery for proper muscle recruitment. I realize this was aimed at people who have back trouble and the explanations were so important to keep people from hurting themselves. I would love to see you do a class that is a normally paced beginner class for just the average person that does not have the extra explanations before each exercise.
1 person likes this.
Dawn ~ Thank you for your forum post. We are glad to hear that you enjoyed this class! You may enjoy Monica's Level 1 and Level 1/2 classes. There are a few classes for special populations (like post natal) but it will usually be listed in the description or title if that is the case. I hope this helps!
Loved this Monica, your cues are awesome and explaining each exercise as you go through was great.
Monica Wilson
Thank you Yvonne! As always, please let me know if there is something you'd like to see more of:) Monica

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