Pulling Straps 1 & 2<br>Amy Havens<br>Exercise 1904

Pulling Straps 1 & 2
Amy Havens
Exercise 1904

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Katia P
Hi I have a quick question about the breathing. I have seen here different instructions about the breath. Rael Recommends to exhale when you are pulling the straps and inhale when you release. Here Amy recommends to inhale when you are flexing the spine. I understand both concepts, I can see the benefits of inhaling as you activate the back extensors so you open the chest, but I also understand the opposite concept of exhaling when the muscle is in action. Is there a right or wrong concept? Or should we use it both depending on the needs of the client? I really appreciate your advice. Thank you so much
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Katia ~ Thank you for your forum post. I have found this confusing in the past as well because I have learned the breathing for many exercises in different ways. I think they are both correct and can be valuable. I also think that you should use them according to your client's needs as they can feel different. I hope this helps!
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Hi Katia......I agree with Gia 100% and with you too----depending on the need of the client! I'm a client-centered / student-centered teacher, but with that said, I often adhere to what I learned originally. On this exercise, I was taught to inhale on the lift, and exhale on the return. Possibly it was because my teacher saw that I needed to expand my front body/shoulders/chest with the effort of the pulling of straps. For me to exhale and pull is easy, but my shoulders stay rounded. I needed to widen, open, expand. This is why I teach with that breath. :)
Katia P
Thank you Amy, I love your classes.
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Thank you Katia!

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