Lazy Butts Drive Me Nuts!<br>Zoey Trap<br>Tutorial 2423

Lazy Butts Drive Me Nuts!
Zoey Trap
Tutorial 2423

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Fantastic tutorial and reminders, thank you!
Thank you so much. two thumbs up
Zoey thanks for your tutorial. I am going to play devils advocate here and point out some things that I don't think are physiologically sound.
First, when your daughter is doing 100, you suggest that she release her gluts and see what happens, at which point her feet drop to the mat. That is absolutely not what will happen if you release the gluts in that position because the gluts (the ones that are doing the vast majority of the work in this sagittal plane exercise anyway) are hip extensors. If the gluts were released in this position the legs would stay just where they are, or in fact may rise a little higher because releasing the hip extensors empowers the hip flexors. And in fact if the gluts are engaged from this position, the heels will be driven into the mat because they gluts are hip extensors.

Also, according to economy of movement, agonists work most efficiently when the antagonists are completely relaxed, but you are suggesting to engage both. What about EOM?
Also, you suggest that putting the ball under the clients heels and having them push down, which is a concentric hip extensor exercise, will help clients feel "the connection" when the ball is removed, but when the ball is removed it becomes an eccentric hip flexor exercise. The two movements are opposite. How will doing the former help with the latter? And what is the "connection" you are speaking of? And again, if after you remove the ball the person continues to concentrically contract the gluts as they are when the ball is there, the heels will fly into the mat and drive into it.

I'm not trying to be hypercritical, I'm just interested in accuracy, and honestly I'm a little disturbed that all of the feedback I see to all tutorials (not to mention the feedback given by the demonstrators in tutorials, except for Ruth Alpert. My hat is off to Ruth. She is the only demonstrator I have seen that does not just say what she "should" say during the tutorials, she points out if what she is feeling is not what is expected of her by the tutorial giver. Keep it up Ruth!) is all positive and no one ever tries to say if they think things are not quite right. Being a bit critical keeps us sharp
Oh I loved this video! So informative, thank you for sharing xo
Hi Jason! I purposefully squeeze my glutes when in a low hundred as it gives me extra support. Otherwise, I feel it in my lower back. I believe the glute recruitment helps to keep my pelvis in a neutral position with the glutes role in pelvic tilting. So not pulling the legs down to the floor but moving the pelvis instead.
Have a go and see if you feel a difference yourself.
All the best, Emma
This was perfect for me!
Kathleen M
Oh my dear! I am realizing after watching/doing this how much my glutes have been lazy in certain exercises! Thank you!!
Love your class, I have back essues because of not using my gluteos muscles correctly. Pilates has helped me imensaly, as weel my teaches. Your directions are so simple clear, and make so much sense. I saved and will do it hundred of times!
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