Breast Cancer Recovery 1<br>Kathy Corey<br>Class 2470

Breast Cancer Recovery 1
Kathy Corey
Class 2470

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Thank you Kathy Corey
Thanks Kathy always a very inspiring teacher!
I can't thank you enough for these videos Kathy! You are like an angel! I'm so excited to begin working with my new client. I really feel as if I'm going to be able to help her. She seems very depressed and we all know that movement helps with depression. ??
This is probably one of the most important videos provided to your members. There are so many woman struggling with this issue. Thank you for being brave enough to take on this particular subject matter.
Before the surgery I would have never think of having shoulder, rib cage and arm problems as I am having at present but your program is inspiring and motivating me to start over...and since I have started your breast recovery programme I can understand how every simple move is so important helping me to gain my ability back...thank you Kathy...

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