Alignment and Symmetry Mat<br>Karen Clippinger<br>Class 2793

Alignment and Symmetry Mat
Karen Clippinger
Class 2793

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Loved this class! Especially the theraband!! Thank you:)
Karen Clippinger
Monika: Thank you for your generosity in working with your client and sharing your good results. This type of feedback is what makes teaching so rewarding.
Nini and Anne-Marie: Thank you for taking time to provide feedback and I am so glad you found the class valuable.
1 person likes this.
That was the best class i have ever taken!
Wowy-Zowy! What a fabulous workout! Thank you so much!
You are great Karen...very effective exercises specially those people like me who has spinal problems...thank you
Casabelle W
Hi does any one know where is this place located? I love the sea view !
Casabelle ~ Our studio is located in Carpinteria, California. If you are ever in the area, we would love for you to visit!
Karen Clippinger
Yes, it is a gorgeous studio with an equally amazing Pilates Anytime team
Karen Clippinger
Sarah, Cynthia & Cigdem:
Thank you for your supportive and enthusiastic comments. Food for the soul :)
And sorry about my delay in responding...
Hi Karen,love the class. Is it possible to do this class if someone has 45% scoliosis? Regards Theresa
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