Return to Life Mat<br>Amy Havens<br>Class 194

Return to Life Mat
Amy Havens
Class 194

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Don't need to show the reading. Stick to instruction only.
Ted Johnson
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Rina S
I am working my way through Amy's level 2 deliberately paced classes and am getting a lot out of them. It is too bad that not all the classes are available online. I feel like they are helping me advance at a pace that works for me. I also enjoyed the reading and found the image of the wheel very helpful.
Hi Rina, I'm so happy to hear that you've been following my classes and that you're seeing/feeling improvements, way to go! I chose to bring in the reading of Return To Life for fun....and a little glimpse into the life and time of Joe.....and what he must have been like. A genius as we all will agree, but it's fun to hear how he wrote about his approach.

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