Rebalance and Re-Energize<br>Sara Colquhoun<br>Class 2873

Rebalance and Re-Energize
Sara Colquhoun
Class 2873

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This class was so simple, yet so perfect. The exercises flowed so beautifully. Thank you.
1 person likes this.
Lovely class Sara, thank you. Really enjoyed the cues and imagery. Body feels great now!
Melissa J
1 person likes this.
Thanks Sara, getting me back in my body after the busy festive season. This is my first at home workout to Pilates Anytime. I always love your classes in Melbourne, but so good on-line aswell! Thanks again :)
Really lovely class, feel super afterwards. Some lovely ideas for my classes, thanks
Doing the class for the second time.....even better!!!!👏🏼
Woke up well before the alarm this morning, and happened upon this lovely class. Perfect mix of work and release. Absolutely wonderful. Thanks for helping me start my morning off right :)
Maria L
I enjoyed the workout. The tempo is slow that makes me feel good balance and stretching. I add this class into my favorites.
This was a great class.
Wow, I didn't feel like training at all, but your intro words got me and it was so nice to end the day like that. Thank you so much, Sara, please share some more classes with us!!!
Forgot how wonderful this class was!!! One move builds on top of the other, will include some of these fabulous moves in my classes. Feel stretched & energised
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