Mat Exercise Setups<br>Adrianne Crawford<br>Class 415

Mat Exercise Setups
Adrianne Crawford
Class 415

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Love the classic rutine and the pace. really good cues. thanks a lot Adrianne.
love your class! Great teaching style.
Awesome workout when I'm pressed for time!
great classic instruction in a nice sort timeline. But in my opinion if you didn't do routine along with students it would free you to be more precise in your cues & counts and attention to the details of form to benefit your students. The gasping and heavy breathing is a bit distracting.
I’m back doing Pilates after mostly just running and not doing enough strength work. I’m not a beginner, but not quite where I was in terms of being able to do good form quickly and with agility. I also don’t have a super long attention span anymore. This is exactly what I was looking for to help me build everything back up.

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