Restorative Foam Roller<br>Meredith Rogers<br>Class 3557

Restorative Foam Roller
Meredith Rogers
Class 3557

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Perfect for my very sore back as lifted alot of weights today then played a few hours of pickle ball. I hope your back is ok, this helps me tremendously and it feels so much better after 🤓
Julia L I should do this one again for my own self care.  My back healed from this injury but is a little sticky again.  Thanks for the inspiration!
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This is still my go to back stretch after bashing my body with weights and many pickle ball games. Thank you - you're the best Meredith!

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Thank you again for this!  I had used this video previously, and remembered it for when I hurt my back over the holidays.  Your techniques work:) 
Kay L I am very happy to hear that.  Hope you are feeling better and happy thanksgiving.
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My sacrum is always messed up so I do this workout at least 3x's a week following a workout, so thank you! I hope you are all healed up and Happy 2021 - it can only get better. Take care
Julia L I am so happy that it helps you!!  All better for the moment. 
And, you're right, onward and upward!  Happy New Year!
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Queued this class up the day before a scheduled garage clean out.  Definitely needed it after.  A cleanse for the spine after a day of cleaning.
Allison O great idea!!
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