Reformer Strap Flow<br>John Garey<br>Class 3582

Reformer Strap Flow
John Garey
Class 3582

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Loved this workout!!!!!!
Gerri M
Fabulous class I did this for my Thanksgiving Day workout and was very challenged and enjoyed the creative version of criss-cross as well as the crossed strap version of legs and straps. Super fond and so grateful for ploddy's any time on this Thanksgiving twentyeighth 18
Like the cross straps ..
Love your classes. Always fun, challenging and innovative. Thx!
Nice pace, pleasant instruction
Carolan A
refreshing/ great.... i loved it
Thank you really liked the dirpffere t ways to use the straps!
Oops different
Lucie Bécus
Thanks- I really enjoyed all of this and you’ve given me some new ways to work with the straps
Love your classes. So much to learn from you. Thanks
41-50 of 93

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