Finding Deeper Connections<br>Meredith Rogers<br>Class 4004

Finding Deeper Connections
Meredith Rogers
Class 4004

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Thank you so much. In these days of social isolation new apparatus classes especially reformer and cadillac make my day brighter🙏🙏 stay safe and healthy we need you❤️
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Pushing your feet towards the ocean when doing footwork was a great cue!  I’m so happy to have Pilates equipment in my home and Pilates Anytime  to get me through this strange time of life that we are all going through. Stay well everyone ! 
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Yummy thank you!
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That was amazing! Just went for a long run and this was what my body just needed, even though my hammies were crying for a while there! Thank you!
Thank you everyone!  Tucker and I have had to put this project on hold for a minute..understandably so.  Please keep moving and sending positivity out into the world.  We need it now more than ever.
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Thank you Meredith for all the details and well done Tucker!

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