Day 1: I am Present<br>Kira Lamb<br>Class 4718

Day 1: I am Present
Kira Lamb
Class 4718

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Because Pilates makes me feel alive and connected to my body
Gisela G
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Because I concentrate on my own internal self, mind and body.
Because it makes me present, alive and centered
Lina S
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Because Pilates makes me feel vibrant and fully connected to my inner self.
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Because I’m inspired by your teaching.
Ariela D
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because it feels good to connect with my  body
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Because it make me feel alive, strong and confident!
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Thanks for joining me on Day 1 of the challenge! 

For me, Pilates is a moving meditation. And it's a reminder of what I'm capable of  when I step out of my comfort zone & just keep trying.

Also, I love how a few of you mentioned that Pilates makes you "feel alive". It reminds me of the title of Joe's book "Return to Life Through Contrology". 
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Because I am worth it and I want to give my future self the best head start possible.
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Because my practice gives me the space to be present in my crowded life. 
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